Fantasy OC - PC Names - Female

  1. Benna
    • Bennath
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

      • Description:

        Many Cornish names in use today are taken directly from the dictionary, as is the case with Bennath, a noun meaning "blessing." Despite its similarity to the male name Bennett, Bennath is most commonly used among baby girls.
    • Benthe
      • Origin:

        Dutch short form of Benedicta, Latin
      • Meaning:

      • Description:

        Benthe is a popular Dutch abbreviation of the feminine for Benedict.
    • Berengaria
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "bear spear"
      • Description:

        Berengaria was one of the medieval queens of England - married to Richard I (also known as Richard the Lionheart). She was originally from Navarre (in modern northern Spain) and despite being the Queen of England, she only lived in England after her husband had died. Despite its royal roots, Berengaria is one of the less attractive medieval names, although it gets points for having an unusually strong meaning for a feminine name.
    • Berenicia
      • Berenike
        • Berna
          • Bernata
            • Bernessa
              • Origin:

                German variation of Bernice, Greek
              • Meaning:

                "she who brings victory"
              • Description:

                Bernessa is a rare form of the old-fashioned biblical name Bernice, once stylish but now fallen from favor -- though according to the Hundred Year Rule, it could be time for a comeback.
            • Bernina
              • Beronia
                • Bertilde
                  • Bertilla
                    • Bertina
                      • Bertunga
                        • Berylla
                          • Bessa
                            • Bethea
                              • Origin:

                              • Meaning:

                                "Daughter of Jehovah"
                              • Description:

                                Also spelled Bethia and Bithiah, this Old Testament name could wear well today. Bethea might make an original way to honor an ancestral Elizabeth or get to the nickname Beth.
                            • Bethel
                              • Origin:

                              • Meaning:

                                "house of God"
                              • Description:

                                A rarely used Biblical place-name with a soft and pleasant sound.
                            • Bethesda
                              • Origin:

                              • Meaning:

                                "house of mercy"
                              • Description:

                                Unlike other place names, this one might be tied too tightly to a single locale -- the Maryland suburb of D. C. -- to work as a first name.