Fantasy OC - PC Names - Female

  1. Dania
    • Origin:

      Italian, diminutive of Daniela, Arabic
    • Meaning:

      "God is my judge; close, near"
    • Description:

      Dania is a fun, offbeat name with international flair that would be a wonderful choice to honor a Danielle, Daniel, or a Dana. It is both an Italian diminutive of Daniela and a spelling variation of the Arabic Daniya.
  2. Danula
    • Danulka
      • Danuta
        • Origin:

          Polish variation of Danutė
        • Meaning:

          "God is my judge; gift, wise"
        • Description:

          A Polish form of the Lithuanian Danutė, the name Danuta is possibly a feminine form of the Hebrew Daniel, meaning "God is my judge", or an elaboration of Dana, a multicultural name meaning "gift" from the Slavic root danŭ, "wise" in Persian and Arabic, and "to judge" from Hebrew.
      • Danya
        • Origin:

          Russian, diminutive of Danielle, Hebrew
        • Meaning:

          "judgment of God"
        • Description:

          An energetic name with an embroidered feel.
      • Darcia
        • Darda
          • Darenda
            • Daria
              • Origin:

                Feminine variation of Darius, Persian or Latin from Greek
              • Meaning:

                "kingly or possess well"
              • Description:

                An early Christian martyr, a bespectacled MTV cartoon heroine, and Canadian supermodel Daria Werbowy: Daria is a name that manages to feel contemporary and usable without being exactly stylish. Which may be a positive, in terms of Daria not being in danger of overpopularity.
            • Dariana
              • Origin:

                Variation of Darian
              • Meaning:

                "rich, kingly"
            • Dariela
              • Origin:

                Feminine variation of Darrell, French
              • Meaning:

                "dear one, beloved"
              • Description:

                Dariela may have a not-quite-authentic provenance, but it's a pretty name and an unusual choice in the girly Isabella-Gabriella group.
            • Darina
              • Origin:

              • Meaning:

              • Description:

                Darina comes from the Slavic element "dar" which means gift; the name is found in Czech, Bulgarian, and Slovak cultures and translates easily for English speakers. Darina may also be an Anglicization of the Irish Dairine, which means "fruitful."
            • Darissa
              • Darlonna
                • Darra
                  • Darrya
                    • Darshina
                      • Daruska
                        • Darva
                          • Origin:

                          • Meaning:

                          • Description:

                            Once associated with the first bride on "Who Wants to Marry a Millionaire", Darva is a Slavic name with a strong sound and sweet meaning.
                        • Darya
                          • Origin:

                            Russian or Persian, variation of Daria or feminine form of Darius
                          • Meaning:

                            "kingly; possessing goodness; the sea"
                          • Description:

                            The beguiling Darya is the name of a character in Tolstoy's Anna Karenina. As a Russian name, it's a spelling variation of Daria, while in Iran, it's a girl's name that means "the sea".