Fantasy OC - PC Names - Female

  1. Gretna
    • Grieta
      • Griselda
        • Origin:

        • Meaning:

          "grey battle"
        • Description:

          Griselda is a famous folklore figure, noted for her patience and obedience. Her story has been told by Petrarch, Chaucer, Boccaccio and set to music by Scarlatti, Vivaldi and Massenet.
      • Grishelda
        • Grishilde
          • Grizelda
            • Description:

              Grizelda is a famous folklore figure, noted for her patience and obedience. Her story has been told by Petrarch, Chaucer, Boccaccio and set to music by Scarlatti, Vivaldi and Massenet.
          • Gryselde
            • Gudruna
              • Guenever
                • Guenevere
                  • Guilietta
                    • Guinivere
                      • Gundruna
                        • Origin:

                        • Meaning:

                          "divine wisdom"
                        • Description:

                          Baby-naming rule #487: it's probably best to avoid names whose only possible nickname is Gun.
                      • Gunhilda
                        • Origin:

                        • Meaning:

                          "battle maid"
                        • Description:

                          At the very least, shorten it to Hilda.
                      • Gunhilde
                        • Gunilla
                          • Origin:

                          • Meaning:

                            "battle maiden"
                          • Description:

                            This popular old Swedish name is not one that would appeal to many modern American parents, though shortening it to Nilla helps.
                        • Gustava
                          • Origin:

                          • Meaning:

                            "staff of the gods"
                          • Description:

                            Imposing, if not intimidating.
                        • Gwendylan
                          • Gweneth
                            • Gwenette