Fantasy OC - PC Names - Female

  1. Jolante
    • Jolantha
      • Jolanthe
        • Jolena
          • Jolina
            • Jonna
              • Origin:

                Scandinavian variation of Johanna
              • Meaning:

                "God is gracious"
              • Description:

                A Scandinavian short form of Johanna, properly pronounced with a Y sound at the start, but would likely be read as the more prosaic "John-a" in an English-speaking context.
            • Jordena
              • Josalind
                • Josalyn
                  • Josana
                    • Josanna
                      • Josefena
                        • Joselyn
                          • Origin:

                            Variation of Jocelyn.
                          • Description:

                            Variation of Jocelyn that confuses the pronunciation and looks less elegant. We recommend you stick with the beautiful original.
                        • Josetta
                          • Joseva
                            • Josselyn
                              • Origin:

                                English variation of Jocelyn
                              • Meaning:

                                "member of the Gauts tribe"
                              • Description:

                                One of many modern spellings of Jocelyn, this one used by actress Samantha Harris for her daughter.
                            • Jovana
                              • Origin:

                                Serbian and Macedonian feminine form of John
                              • Description:

                                This Slavic variation would make a pleasant and slightly more unusual alternative to Johanna or Giovanna.
                            • Jovena
                              • Jovina
                                • Julea