Fantasy OC - PC Names - Male

  1. Tomik
    • Tonis
      • Tophor
        • Torben
          • Origin:

            Danish and German
          • Meaning:

            "thunder bear"
          • Description:

            A familiar name in the Nordic countries that hasn't yet gained popularity in the English speaking world. But it could, now that Old Norse names like Thor and Odin are on the rise. It derives from Torbjörrn, which seems less likely to translate outside Scandinavia. But if you're looking for Danish names for a baby boy, Torben could be a choice that's both accessible and unusual.
        • Torean
          • Tormund
            • Origin:

              Literary name
            • Description:

              Tormund Giantsbane is an appealing Game of Thrones character with an enthusiastic fanbase: he's a Wildling from north of the Wall with a fiery red beard and a salty tongue. While "Tor-" names have never been as popular for boys as for girls, several are in regular use -- and we could imagine Tormund joining their ranks.
          • Toro
            • Torquil
              • Origin:

                Scottish from Norse
              • Meaning:

                "Thor's cauldron"
              • Description:

                Torquil, is a quirky but intriguing option that evolved from an ancient Scandinavian nameand was imported into Scotland by the Vikings. The Gaelic form of the name is Torcaill.
            • Torrance
              • Origin:

                Scottish habitational surname
              • Meaning:

                "from the hillocks"
              • Description:

                Terrence feels stuck in the 20th century, but Torrance could easily be worn by a child born in the 2020s.
            • Torrence
              • Origin:

                Scottish habitational surname
              • Meaning:

                "from the hillocks"
              • Description:

                Spelling variation Torrance is split fairly evenly between girls and boys, while Torrence is almost entirely male.
            • Torrien
              • Torsten
                • Origin:

                  Swedish from Old Norse
                • Meaning:

                  "Thor's stone"
              • Torvald
                • Origin:

                • Meaning:

                  "Thor's ruler"
                • Description:

                  Torvald, not to be confused with Torvill of skating fame, is a Norse name which might be of interest to parents looking for Thor-related options. Torvald is most familiar in the English-speaking world as the infuriatingly sexist husband of Nora in Ibsen's play A Doll's House, which may account for its low usage. However, Linus Torvalds, inventor of Linux , might put the name into a more positive light, especially in Silicon Valley.
              • Traevon
                • Travais
                  • Traven
                    • Traveus
                      • Trefor
                        • Trendun
                          • Treston