Beautiful unique girl names

Beautifully melodic sounding and unique girl names. These special names are unique enough to allow your baby to define her own name, while being beautiful enough to garner a few compliments.
  1. Albie
    • Aleya
      • Birdie
        • Origin:

        • Meaning:

        • Description:

          Birdie was until recently a middle-aged Ladies' Club member wearing a bird-decorated hat --but now it's just the kind of vintage nickname (think Hattie, Josie, Mamie, Millie) that's coming back into style in a big way. Actress Busy Philipps named her baby Birdie (inspired by First Lady Lady Bird Johnson), as did soap star Maura West.
      • Clover
        • Origin:

          Flower name, from Old English
        • Meaning:

        • Description:

          Clover is a charming, perky choice if you want to move beyond hothouse blooms like Rose and Lily, and it's recently become a new celeb favorite, chosen by both Neal McDonough and Natasha Gregson Wagner, who used it to honor her mother, Natalie Wood, one of whose most iconic films was Inside Daisy Clover.
      • Cricket
        • Origin:

          Nature name
        • Description:

          Nickname name from the era of Father Knows Best, though we can see it making something of a comeback, a la Clover and Pippa. Cricket has new potential especially since it has recently been chosen by Busy Philipps. Still, it's one of the quirkier girl names starting with C.
      • Dalia
        • Origin:

          Hebrew, Spanish, or Swahili
        • Meaning:

          "branch; dahlia; gentle"
        • Description:

          Similar in sound to the flower name Dahlia, this gentle but distinctive name, heard in many cultures, hits that Golden Mean between too popular and too unusual. In Lithuanian mythology, Dalia is a goddess of weaving and of fate.
      • Dove
        • Origin:

          Nature name
        • Meaning:

          "dove, a bird"
        • Description:

          One of the new bird names, like Lark and Wren, this one's associated with the billing and cooing sounds of love. Soft and gentle, Dove also has the admirable association with peace.
      • Dareen
        • Ghida
          • Haven
            • Origin:

              Word name, English
            • Meaning:

              "a place of safety"
            • Description:

              Haven is a recently invented safe-harbor name that appeals to an increasing number of parents who don't want to voyage quite as far as Heaven.
          • Hazel
            • Origin:

            • Meaning:

              "the hazelnut tree"
            • Description:

              Hazel has a pleasantly hazy, brownish-green-eyed, old-fashioned image that more and more parents are choosing to share. Former Old Lady name Hazel reentered the popularity lists in 1998 and now is near the top of the charts.
          • Indigo
            • Origin:

            • Meaning:

              "Indian dye"
            • Description:

              Indigo is one of the most appealing and evocative of the new generation of color names. Color names have joined flower and jewel names -- in a big way -- and Indigo, a deep blue-purple dye from plants native to India, is particularly striking for both girls and boys. Indigo is the name of a character in the Ntozake Shange novel Sassafrass, Cypress & Indigo, and was used for his daughter by Lou Diamond Phillips.
          • Joud
            • Lama
              • Milly
                • Origin:

                  Spelling variation of Millie or short form of Camilla, Millicent, Mildred etc.
                • Description:

                  Milly and her more popular sister Millie are adorable Old Lady nickname-names springing back to life. Nearly 100 baby girls were named Milly, just Milly, last year, and Millie is in the US Top 500. Milly is the Molly of the new generation.
              • Minka
                • Origin:

                  Polish diminutive of Mina, short form of Wilhelmina, German
                • Meaning:

                  "resolute protection"
                • Description:

                  In the contemporary US, Minka attracted notice via actress Minka Kelly, who played the gorgeous Lyla on Friday Night Lights.
              • Mira
                • Origin:

                  Latin, Slavic, Arabic, Sanskrit
                • Meaning:

                  "admirable; peace; female ruler; ocean"
                • Description:

                  This name owes its present life to actress Sorvino. Mira and Mirra have an arty aura.
              • Myriam
                • Nahla
                  • Origin:

                  • Meaning:

                    "a drink of water"
                  • Description:

                    Nahla is a lovely name chosen by Halle Berry for her daughter. Not to be confused with the Disneyfied Nala.
                • Nawal