Dusty Ancient Gems

  1. Deidameia
    • Deliciae
      • Demonassa
        • Demostrate
          • Derimacheia
            • Dianoia
              • Diogenia
                • Diopatra
                  • Diotima
                    • Dioxippe
                      • Dirce
                        • Discordia
                          • Dlyope
                            • Domiduca
                              • Dyphna
                                • Eglantine
                                  • Origin:

                                    French botanical name
                                  • Description:

                                    This name for the sweetbriar shrub is a bit too reminiscent of eggplant.
                                • Eileithyia
                                  • Origin:

                                  • Description:

                                    Variation of Ilithyia.
                                • Elocadia
                                  • Elpis
                                    • Origin:

                                      Ancient Greek
                                    • Meaning:

                                    • Description:

                                      A positive name from mythology, given to the hope left in Pandora's box.
                                  • Elysande
                                    • Origin:

                                      English, Germanic
                                    • Meaning:

                                      "temple path"
                                    • Description:

                                      An intriguing medieval name found in various forms across Europe. Variants include Elisende, Elisenda, Elysant, Elysande, Elisent and Helisent. It likely derives from a Visigothic name meaning "temple path".