Dusty Ancient Gems

  1. Elethyia
    • Eligia
      • Elsebe
        • Empeiria
          • Endeis
            • Eriphia
              • Erytheia
                • Euanthe
                  • Eudokia
                    • Eulimene
                      • Eumelia
                        • Euphrasia
                          • Euphraxia
                            • Euphrosyne
                              • Euthalia
                                • Eutropia
                                  • Evameria
                                    • Evarista
                                      • Everild
                                        • Fabienne
                                          • Origin:

                                            French variation of Fabia
                                          • Meaning:

                                            "bean grower"
                                          • Description:

                                            Instead of the usual French suspects -- Danielle, Isabelle, Gabrielle -- why not consider Fabienne, which is less common and just as pretty.