Unusual and On-Trend

  1. Brooks
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "of the brook"
    • Description:

      A nature name, a word name, and a surname name, Brooks has plenty of cool factor. It gives off cowboy vibes and a sporty feel, while also maintaining a smart, collected image.
  2. Bruin
    • Origin:

      English or Dutch
    • Meaning:

      "bear or brown"
    • Description:

      Bruin is the Old English term for bear, taken from the Dutch word meaning brown. Bruin might be a sports fan's choice or an animal name in hiding. As a kind of hybrid of Roone and Bruno, it's definitely got some cool.
  3. Bruno
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      It’s ok, we can talk about Bruno now!
  4. Bryant
    • Origin:

      Variation of Brian, Irish
    • Meaning:

      "strong, virtuous, and honorable"
    • Description:

      Bryant has a longer history as a first name in the US than its father name Brian, ranking among the Top 1000 since the list began in 1880 while Brian only jumped on in 1925.
  5. Bryony
    • Origin:

      Latin flower name
    • Meaning:

      "to sprout"
    • Description:

      Bryony is an unusually strong plant name --the bryony is a wild climbing vine with green flowers --that caught on in the U.K. before sprouting here. The name of the young character in the Ian McEwan novel Atonement is spelled Briony, which is the variation and Bryony the original.
  6. Burl
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      This name has a nicely fragrant woodsy feel, bringing it into the nature-tree name category. Its only well known bearer, folk singer and Oscar-winning actor Burl Ives, had the full birth certificate name of Burl Icle Ivanhoe Ives--nothing compared to his two siblings named Argola and Lillburn.
  7. Buster
    • Origin:

      Modern nickname
    • Description:

      An old-fashioned nickname in the Bud/Buzz/Biff mold; this one's kind of belligerent. Michelle Hicks and Jonny Lee Miller moved outside the box when they used it for their son--given the safer middle name of Timothy.
  8. Byron
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "barn for cows"
    • Description:

      For centuries, this name had a romantic, windswept image due to its strong connection to the poet Lord Byron, who inspired its use as a first name. It is one of those surprise names that's appeared on the Top 1000 every year since 1880.
  9. Cabot
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "to sail"
    • Description:

      Cabot is an attractive English surname associated with the daring early Italian-born British explorer known as John Cabot; his birth name was Giovanni Caboto.
  10. Cade
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "round; or, barrel"
    • Description:

      Strong, ultramasculine, and modern, Cade shot up the popularity lists around the millennium—it was as high as Number 201 in 2001—along with cousins Caden and Cale, and has drifted along in the middle of the US Top 1000 ever since.
  11. Cadell
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Cadell is a surname that is unlikely to win many supporters, except perhaps from parents looking for an alternative to Caden. But while Cadell is more distinctive, that L ending is weaker and less appealing than Caden's strong N.
  12. Cadence
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "rhythm, beat"
    • Description:

      The musical word name Cadence, seemed to come out of nowhere to zoom up the charts; it rose over 700 spots between 2002 and 2004, and showed up in the Top 200 in 2007. It's gone down in the popular names list since then, though. Some might see it as a feminine relative of the popular Caden. Kadence and Kaydence are also rising.
  13. Cadenza
    • Origin:

      Italian, musical term
    • Description:

      Cadenza takes the popular CADENCE and gives it a more operatic flourish.
  14. Cadmus
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "one who excels"
    • Description:

      Cadmus is the name of the serpent-slaying hero of Greek mythology who also founded the city of Thebes and is credited with inventing the alphabet. Its ancient feel might appeal to modern parents — especially since Cadmus Peverell is a human Harry Potter character, one of the three original owners of the Deathly Hallows.
  15. Cadoc
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      St Cadoc was an early Welsh churchman, who gave his name to several villages in Wales, and according to his Life knew King Arthur. Less popular than other C__C names like Cormac and Cedric, Cadoc would be an almost unique, but easy-to-pronouce choice.
  16. Caelan
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      An Anglicized form of Caolán
  17. Cager
    • Origin:

      Short form of Micajah, Hebrew
    • Meaning:

      "Who is like God?"
    • Description:

      Sounds a bit like a nickname in a Dickens novel, but this short form was used in New England a few centuries ago, back when names like Micajah were popular. Both short and long forms are now ripe for revival.
  18. Caia
    • Origin:

      Latin, feminine variation of Caius
    • Meaning:

      "to rejoice"
    • Description:

      Caia Caecilia was the Roman Goddess of fire and women. The name Caia would make a truly fresh alternative to the flagging Maya, with which it rhymes.
  19. Cain
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "spear; possessed"
    • Description:

      Biblical name Cain was, until recently, seldom heard outside of the Old Testament and soap operas. Although Cain's murderous actions will always make this name difficult for some, Cain, Eve and Adam's firstborn, was a farmer - making this a good choice for those with farming connections. Long outshone by Abel, Cain is starting to find a broader audience, helped along by homophones Kane or Caine.
  20. Caius
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Caius is classical and serious but also has a simple, joyful quality. There was a third century pope named Caius, as well as an early Christian writer, several Shakespearean characters, and a Twilight vampire. We would pronounce the name to rhyme with eye-us though at Cambridge University in England, where it's the name of a college, it's pronounced keys.