Unique old fashioned names
- Merewen
- Mildryth
- Naevia
- Orabel
- Osric
"divine ruler"Description:
Clad in armor. But while this name may have been forbiddingly antiquated not that long ago, the connection to the trendy nickname Os or Oz makes it a real possibility.
- Oeric
- Oswyn
- Ravelin
- Selwyn
"manor friend"Description:
An old aristocratic English name which also belongs to Cambridge college, named for George Augustus Selwyn, the first Bishop of New Zealand, subsequently Bishop of Lichfield.
- Thorbert
- Tathana
- Thetha
- Thrydwulf
- Topacia
- Winfrith
- Wistan
- Woden
- Worbald
- Wulfric