Roman Catholic Inspired Names

  1. Maeve
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "she who intoxicates"
    • Description:

      Maeve is a short and sweet name that has become one of the most stylish Irish names for girls in the modern US. Maeve would make an excellent first or middle name choice, with more heft than Mae/May and more modern charm than Mavis.
  2. Magdalena
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "from Magdala"
    • Description:

      Magdalena is a pretty name forever associated with the fallen-yet-redeemed Mary Magdalen; often heard in the Hispanic community. But forward thinking parents are reviving Magdalena along with Magdalene and the unrelated but similar-sounding Marguerite.
  3. Magdalene
    • Origin:

      Spelling variation of Magdalen
    • Meaning:

      "woman from Magdala or high tower"
    • Description:

      This name made famous in the New Testament has gone from crusty grandma to sleek and chic in recent years, or is it months? The name's image is perhaps helped by the fact that Mary Magdalene was one of the most intriguing women inthe Bible, both a saint and a sinner.
  4. Magnus
    • Origin:

      Scandinavian from Latin
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Magnus is a Latin name, literally meaning "greatest," that has a Scandinavian feel. It dates back to Charlemagne being called Carolus Magnus, or Charles the Great. Norwegian king Magnus I, named after Charlemagne, introduced it to his culture, and thus Magnus was the name of six early kings of Norway and four of Sweden. It is still a highly popular name in Denmark and Norway.
  5. Maia
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Maia was derived from the Greek word maia, meaning "mother." In Greek legend, she was the fair-haired daughter of Atlas who mothered Zeus's favorite illegitimate son, Hermes. To the Romans, Maia was the incarnation of the earth mother and goddess of spring, after whom they named the month of May. Maya is the more common spelling.
  6. Mairead
    • Origin:

      Irish, shortened fom of Mairghread, variation of Margaret
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Pronounced MAW-rayt or ma-REYD, Mairead is close enough to Maureen to be accepted here. The name became popular in Ireland due to admiration for the saint of that name. Peig and Peigi are its Irish-language nicknames.
  7. Mairwen
    • Malachi
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "my messenger"
      • Description:

        An Old Testament name with a Gaelic lilt, Malachi entered the list in 1987.
    • Malia
      • Origin:

        Hawaiian variation of Mary
      • Meaning:

      • Description:

        Malia rose up the charts back in 2009 when it was brought into the spotlight as the name of the Obama's eldest daughter. It leapt into the US Top 200, and while it hasn't reached that level of popularity again, it now sees steady usage, and is given to around 1100 girls every year.
    • Mara
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

      • Description:

        Mara is the evocative ancient root of Mary, appearing in the Book of Ruth, in which Naomi, devastated after the death of her two sons, says "Call me not Naomi, call me Mara." It's one of the girl names starting with M that both fits in and stands out.
    • Marcelina
      • Marcia
        • Origin:

          Latin, feminine version of Marcius
        • Meaning:

        • Description:

          Marcia is an ancient Roman name which derives from Mars, the god of war. It was used by Dante in the Inferno and later by Thomas Hardy and others.
      • Margaret
        • Origin:

        • Meaning:

        • Description:

          Margaret is derived from the French Marguerite, which in turn came from Margarita, the Latin form of the Greek Margarites. Margarites was based on the Old Persian word margārīta, meaning "pearl."
      • Margareta
        • Margaux
          • Origin:

            French spelling variation of Margo
          • Description:

            Yes, it's pronounced with a long o sound at the end, just like Margo and Margot. This spelling was popularized by supermodel, actress, and tragic Hemingway granddaughter Margaux, whose name spelling came courtesy of a bottle of French wine. (The original spelling of her name was Margot; she changed it when she heard her parents were drinking a bottle of Chateau Margaux the night she was conceived.) Margo itself is a diminutive of Margaret, which means "pearl" or, in its French version, "daisy." Margaret or Marguerite would be more stylish variations now.
        • Margot
          • Origin:

            French, diminutive of Margaret
          • Meaning:

          • Description:

            Margot is suddenly a star again. After a nearly-half century absence, it hopped back on the Top 1000 list in 2013 and is on the rise. The Margot spelling is now given to three times as many baby girls as the Margo one.
        • Marguerite
          • Origin:

            French variation of Margaret; also a flower name
          • Meaning:

            "pearl; daisy"
          • Description:

            Marguerite is a classic French name with a remnant of old-fashioned Gallic charm; and is also a variety of daisy. Chic again in Paris, it's definitely ripe for revival here.
        • Mari
          • Origin:

            Welsh, Breton, Scandinavian, Hungarian, Estonian, and Basque variation of Maria or Mary
          • Meaning:

            "drop of the sea, bitter, or beloved"
          • Description:

            Mari enjoyed some mid-century popularity as a nicknameish version of Mary, but now deserves a second look as a multicultural classic. Mari is the name of the Basque goddess of fertility and weather and is also, for unrelated reasons, popular in Norway. The biggest problem with the potentially-lovely Mari will be getting people to say it the way you want. While some Europeans pronounce it as Marie, that will only confuse things more. Better to make it its own individual name by pronouncing it MAH-ree. As one commenter pointed out, in Estonian the name is not a Mary variation but means "berry" – all the more reason for us to like it!
        • Maria
          • Origin:

            Hebrew or Egyptian
          • Meaning:

            "drop of the sea, bitter, or beloved"
          • Description:

            As a highly popular girls’ name in all Spanish-speaking countries, this saintly Latin variation of Mary retains a timeless beauty. Through the centuries, Maria remains one of the most widely-used girl names starting with M.
        • Mariae