A Song of Ice and Fire: Female

  1. Perra
    • Roslin
      • Rhaella
        • Rhaenys
          • Sarra
            • Serra
              • Origin:

                Italian, Portuguese and Catalan
              • Meaning:

              • Description:

                This topographical name, more suited to a girl than a boy--though it would inevitably be confused with SARAH--has some distinguished bearers: famous Spanish missionary to Mexico Father Junipero Serra, and sculptor Richard Serra, known for his challenging large-scale metal works.
            • Shae
              • Origin:

                Variant of Shea
              • Description:

                The third-most-popular spelling of this name, after Shea and Shay, is notable mostly for its connection to Game of Thrones. Shae is a "camp follower" -- AKA prostitute -- who becomes the loyal mistress to Tyrion Lannister while he is serving as Hand of the King.
            • Sansa
              • Sarella
                • Selyse
                  • Shiera
                    • Shireen
                      • Shirei
                        • Talla
                          • Tysha
                            • Tyene
                              • Val
                                • Origin:

                                  Diminutive of Valentina, Valerie, etc
                                • Description:

                                  Occasionally used as an independent name, but why.
                              • Walda
                                • Origin:

                                • Meaning:

                                • Description:

                                  Where's Walda? Out of the running.
                              • Wylla
                                • Wynafryd