Queen and Princess Names Starting With B

  1. Bernelle
    • Bernessa
      • Origin:

        German variation of Bernice, Greek
      • Meaning:

        "she who brings victory"
      • Description:

        Bernessa is a rare form of the old-fashioned biblical name Bernice, once stylish but now fallen from favor -- though according to the Hundred Year Rule, it could be time for a comeback.
    • Bernetta
      • Bernette
        • Bernharda
          • Berni
            • Bernice
              • Origin:

              • Meaning:

                "she who brings victory"
              • Description:

                Rarely heard today-- it fell off the list around 1980--Bernice is a biblical name of Greek origin. In the Bible, she is a sister of King Agrippa.
            • Bernideene
              • Bernidine
                • Bernie
                  • Origin:

                    Short form of Bernadette, Bernadine, or Bernice, German
                  • Meaning:

                    "brave as a bear"
                  • Description:

                    Bernie is an old school unisex nickname name, on the order of Bobbie or Willie. Not the most modern or most attractive name around, but it has a certain vintage charm.
                • Berniece
                  • Bernina
                    • Bernise
                      • Bernita
                        • Bernydeene
                          • Bernydine
                            • Beronia
                              • Berra
                                • Origin:

                                  Turkish, meaning unknown
                              • Berree
                                • Berri