King and Prince Names Starting With A

  1. Aranyu
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Aranyu is an Indian name rarely used in the US, though the meaning gives it a fashionable woodsy appeal.
  2. Aras
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      A sweet, simple name with roots in several cultures. In Lithuanian, Aras is a poetic bird name, while in Persian and Kurdish it is both a word ("equal"), and the name of a river that flows through Turkey, Armenia, Iran and Azerbaijan. It is one of the most popular boy names in Turkey, and also ranks in the Netherlands and England and Wales.
  3. Arash
    • Arata
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "new; fresh"
      • Description:

        Strong Japanese name with a hopeful meaning.
    • Arath
      • Arathoon
        • Araunah
          • Origin:

          • Meaning:

          • Description:

            The name of a Jebusite who owned a threshing floor on the summit of Mount Moriah which was purchased by David to be used as the site for assembling an altar to God. Later texts render his name as Ornan.
        • Arav
          • Origin:

          • Meaning:

          • Description:

            Arav (sometimes spelled Aarav) is a name popular in India and Pakistan. Jaipur-born actor Arav Choudhary is a well-known Indian personality. Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar chose Aarav for his son's name.
        • Arba
          • Arbel
            • Origin:

              Hebrew place name
            • Description:

              In Israel, Mount Arbel is a mountain in the lower Galilee. Jewish parents have adopted it as a name for their sons and daughters for the mountain's historic and religious significance.
          • Arbie
            • Arbor
              • Origin:

              • Meaning:

              • Description:

                Arbor is a quirky nature name with holiday vibes.
            • Arc
              • Origin:

                English word name
              • Description:

                Refers, in literal terms, to a curved line -- as in Martin Luther King, Jr.'s famed "arc of justice." Could also be used as a reference to Joan of Arc -- Arc being, there, derived from her father's name, rather than a place -- or, conceivably, to Noah's Ark.
            • Arcadian
              • Origin:

              • Meaning:

                "from Arcadia; idyllic"
              • Description:

                Arcadia was a region of Ancient Greece that is now associated with a simple rustic life (way before Cottagecore was a thing). That means this name is not just long and lyrical, but also has a warm pastoral charm.
            • Arch
              • Origin:

                Diminutive of Archibald, Teutonic
              • Meaning:

                "truly brave"
              • Description:

                Arch can be used as a nickname for Archibald or a stand-alone word name — perhaps for the child of an architect.
            • Archangel
              • Origin:

              • Meaning:

                "high-ranking angel"
              • Description:

                When Angel meets the trend for superlative names, this is what happens. Archangel (or Arkhangelsk) is also a town in northern Russia, named after a monastery dedicated to Archangel Michael.
            • Archer
              • Origin:

              • Meaning:

              • Description:

                Archer is an Anglo-Saxon surname that feels more modern than most because of its on-target occupational and Hunger Games associations. And it's a nice way to bypass the clunky Archibald to get to the cool nickname Archie.
            • Archey
              • Archibald
                • Origin:

                  Scottish from German
                • Meaning:

                  "truly brave"
                • Description:

                  The short form Archie is so open and friendly --and very trendy in the British Isles--that some parents are now beginning to consider the formerly fusty Archibald as well. SNL comedians Amy Poehler and Will Arnett are one couple who made this breakthrough choice.
              • Archibaldo