Rock Gemstone And Mineral Names
- Davidite
- Dawsonite
- Delafossite
- Delessite
- Delessite
- Demesmaekerite
- Derriksite
- Devilline
- Devilline
- Dimorphite
- Dolomite
- Domeykite
- Doyleite
- Drysdallite
- Drysdallite
- Dundasite
- Dundasite
- Dunite
- Emerald
Gem name; PersianMeaning:
Emerald is the intriguing color and jewel name of the deep green stone treasured as far back as ancient Egypt — it's supposed to open one's heart to wisdom and to love and be good for strengthening relationships — which could make for an interesting, unusual name, particularly with the popularity of so many Em-starting names.
- Eclogite