Country And Capital Names

  1. Chile
    • Chile
      • Chișinău
        • Comoros
          • Comoros
            • Conakry
              • Conakry
                • Copenhagen
                  • Copenhagen
                    • Costa
                      • Costa Rica
                        • Cotonou
                          • Cotonou
                            • Croatia
                              • Czech
                                • Damascus
                                  • Denmark
                                    • Origin:

                                      English, country name
                                    • Description:

                                      The smallest Scandinavian country, Denmark has a reputation today as one of the happiest countries in the world — would you expect anything less from the land of hygge (and Lego)? With parents using country names from Ireland and Scotland to Kenya and Malaysia, Denmark could be a potential addition. It even sounds namelike: Denis meets Mark.
                                  • Domingo
                                    • Origin:

                                    • Meaning:

                                      "born on a Sunday"
                                    • Description:

                                      Commonly heard in Hispanic cultures, a rhythmic possibility here.
                                  • Dominica
                                    • Origin:

                                      Italian, feminine variation of Dominic
                                    • Meaning:

                                      "belonging to the Lord"
                                    • Description:

                                      Fashionably Continental and much fresher than Dominique, though it's been used since the Middle Ages. Dominica can be spelled any number of ways, from Dominika to Domenica, but we prefer this version.
                                  • Dublin
                                    • Origin:

                                      Irish place-name
                                    • Description:

                                      With Galway and Ireland in play as names (not to mention Shannon and Kerry), there's no reason this one can't work, too.