Surnames AKA Last Names

  1. Southee
    • Spak
      • Spinoso
        • Stack
          • Starley
            • Steed
              • Stolfi
                • Stretz
                  • Strickland
                    • Striley
                      • Striley
                        • Strope
                          • Swartwood
                            • Terrell
                              • Origin:

                                English surname name; "to pull"
                              • Meaning:

                                "to pull"
                              • Description:

                                Terrell feels like a modern invention based on Terrence, but Tyrrell has plenty of history as a surname name.
                            • Townsend
                              • Origin:

                                English surname
                              • Meaning:

                                "edge of town"
                              • Description:

                                An English locational surname originally denoting someone who lived at the town's outer limits, now has a solid, aristocratic air. It may also derive from an anglicization of the French Toussaint – someone born on All Saint's Day, November 1.
                            • Talbut
                              • Tarbox
                                • Tasber
                                  • Terrell
                                    • Tinklepaugh