2022 Names Used NEARLY EQUAL for M and F

  1. Noha
    • North
      • Origin:

        English word name
      • Meaning:

        "cardinal direction of north"
      • Description:

        A lot of attention was drawn to this name when Kim Kardashian and Kanye West announced it as the name of their baby daughter, making it instantly unisex.
    • Nyree
      • Origin:

        English from Maori
      • Meaning:

      • Description:

        Anglicized form of Ngaire, this name is sometimes heard in New Zealand and very occasionally in England.
    • Nijah
      • Noir
        • Nyrie
          • Ocean
            • Origin:

              English, nature name
            • Meaning:

            • Description:

              Nature names like Ocean and River are flowing back into favor, especially with nature lovers and green-oriented parents.
          • Olly
            • Ovi
              • Origin:

                Spanish and Italian
              • Meaning:

              • Description:

                Ovidio Crespo is a Cuban musician known mononymously as Ovi. His name is related to Ovid, the English name of Ancient Roman poet Publius Ovidius Naso, who wrote the Metamorphoses.
            • Oaklin
              • Oakly
                • Omani
                  • Orian
                    • Patrice
                      • Origin:

                        French variation of PATRICIA
                      • Meaning:

                      • Description:

                        Patrice is a more modern-sounding and polished unisex alternative to Patricia.
                    • Peace
                      • Origin:

                        Word name
                      • Meaning:

                      • Description:

                        Spaniards use Pax and Paz, Hebrew speakers Shalom, for Greeks it's Irene, so why can't we make the English word Peace a name? Peace Adzo Medie is the author of the novel His Only Wife.
                    • Peregrine
                      • Origin:

                      • Meaning:

                        "traveler, pilgrim"
                      • Description:

                        Peregrine is considered to be an elegantly aristocratic name in England, but has never made it to the U.S., where it has been seen as extravagantly eccentric. In the new naming climate, though, it's not beyond consideration — in fact it's already been chosen by at least one Berry.
                    • Perry
                      • Origin:

                      • Meaning:

                        "dweller near a pear tree"
                      • Description:

                        It's a long time now since this casual but suave name was linked to velvet-throated, cardigan-sweatered singer Perry (born Pierino, son of Pietro) Como's day... and this could be the moment for a reassessment. Other Perry associations are designer Ellis and the fictional Perry Mason and Perry White. There is also the option of taking the long way round to Perry via the more substantial Peregrine or Percival.
                    • Phenix
                      • Pheonix
                        • Phoenix
                          • Origin:

                            Arizona place-name and Greek
                          • Meaning:

                            "dark red"
                          • Description:

                            Effortlessly cool with a hint of the mystical, Phoenix rolls a lot of trends into one: it's a place-name and a bird name, it ends in the stylish letter x, it's got in-built nicknames, and it's unisex too. Familiar but not over-popular, Phoenix ranks in the US and UK Top 1000s.