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- Pistol
Word nameDescription:
Pistol is one of the new names that entered the lexicon in the US in 2013, when it was given to nine babies of each gender, though last year the trend had subsided and it was given to zero babies. Call it an equal-opportunity badass baby name with an unfortunately violent image.
- Poet
English word nameDescription:
A recently entered name on the roster, Poet was used for her daughter by Soleil Moon (Punky Brewster) Frye, who obviously appreciates the advantages of an unusual name. This is a possible middle name choice for verse-loving parents who want to skip specifics like Auden or Poe or Keats or Tennyson and go with the generic.
- Porsche
Word nameDescription:
The Shakespearean Portia may be a real name, but Porsche is now and forever a car, not a little girl.
- Praise
Word nameDescription:
Generally used in conjunction with another name to form a religious phrase -- for instance the daughter of rapper DMX is called Praise Mary Ella.
- Prayer
English word nameMeaning:
"a request for help or expression of thanks addressed to God or an object of worship"Description:
A cool spiritual word name à la Psalm.
- President
Word nameDescription:
Exalted names like King, Royalty, and Messiah are all the rage—President seems like the next logical step.
- Priest
Occupational nameDescription:
An extreme example of the newly possible ecclesiastical brotherhood that includes Deacon and Bishop. This one might work better in the middle spot.
- Princess
Word nameMeaning:
Part of the trend for formerly canine royal names; this is one a little girl might love—up till the age of eight.
- Psalm
English word nameMeaning:
"a sacred song or hymn"Description:
Kanye West and Kim Kardashian added this new word name to the lexicon when they chose it for their second son and fourth child in 2019. It is now 7 times more popular than it was then, given to 120 boys and 40 girls in a recent year.
- Ptonomy
Modern invented nameDescription:
The name of a crucial character on inventive FX series Legion not found in the Marvel comics on which the show is based, a so-called "memory artist" who can help others recall past events with uncanny detail. The name probably stems from Ptolemy, the ancient Alexandrian polymath.
- Quarry
Nature nameDescription:
Strong meaning, sweet but strong sound, fresh and earthy: a winner.
- Quartz
Mineral nameDescription:
This may be a bit quirky to make it as a name, especially in first place. If you love it, you might try it in the middle.
- Qunyquekya
Modern invented nameDescription:
Sister to rising young actress Quvenzhané Wallis.
- Raddix
This eye-catchingly unique name was coined by Cameron Diaz and Benji Madden, who gave it to their daughter, born in 2020. It may derive from the Latin radix, meaning "root", or perhaps from the Slavic name element rad, meaning "happy; willing".
Raddix is among the most unique celebrity baby names of recent years.
- Raeleigh
- Rambo
English surname nameDescription:
Superhero names are fit for humans today, and there's no reason Rambo can't take his place among a generation of babies named Loki, Odin, and Atlas.
- Reignbeau
Melodramatic wordplay name coined by actor Ving Rhames for his daughter.
- Renesmee
Literary inventionDescription:
Invented by author Stephenie Meyer for the Twilight series for the half-human, half-vampire daughter of Edward Cullen and Bella Swan, it's an amalgamtion of the names of Bella's mother Renee and Edward's adoptive mother Esme. Much to our surprise, some people are trying this at home.
- Rhyan
- Rhyatt
Modern invented nameDescription:
This very nouveau-sounding combination of Rhett and Riot was one of the fastest-rising boys names of 2017.