sunkernplus's list of names

  1. Cosma
    • Cosmo
      • Origin:

        Italian, English, Greek
      • Meaning:

        "order, beauty, universe"
      • Description:

        With a touch of celestial power, a hint of clunky charm, and the totally cool -o ending, Cosmo may well be finally shaking itself free of both the Seinfeld association (which made it a punchline of a joke) and the cartoon fairy association from The Fairly OddParents. In fact, it is in the Top 1000 in the UK and a favorite on Nameberry.
    • Cosmos
      • Origin:

        Greek, English
      • Meaning:

        "order, beauty, universe"
      • Description:

        The cosmos is another name for the universe in English, giving this name a spacier, more scientific feel than the near-identical Cosmo.
    • Cove
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "small bay"
      • Description:

        Cove is an up-and-coming nature name whose cool sound and peaceful image saw it rising for both sexes... until COVID-19 hit. It remained steady in use for boys in 2021, but actually increased for girls, although it remains a seriously rare and distinctive choice for either gender.
    • Cove
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "small bay"
      • Description:

        Cove is an up-and-coming nature name whose cool sound and peaceful image saw it rising for both sexes until COVID-19 hit. It decreased slightly for boys in 2020 and remained steading in 2021, but it has actually increased for girls, although it remains a seriously rare and distinctive choice.
    • Covey
      • Origin:

        English word name, Irish "small brood of birds; victorious"
      • Meaning:

        "small brood of birds; victorious"
      • Description:

        A little like Cory or Cody, with a hint of Murphy and Casey, Covey is both a word name and a surname. As a word, it refers to a "small brood of birds" - or a synonym for a flock or a swarm. As a surname, it has its origins in Irish, deriving from Cobhthach, meaning "victorious".
    • Covey
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "small brood of birds"
      • Description:

        This offbeat word name refers to a small brood of birds. Cove has been an up-and-coming unisex nature name in recent years, and a few parents are recognizing Covey as an alternative. Be warned though that many will associate that first syllable with Covid.
    • Cricket
      • Origin:

        Nature name
      • Description:

        Typically used for girls, but Disney Channel show Big City Greens made it wearable for boys as well.
    • Cricket
      • Origin:

        Nature name
      • Description:

        Nickname name from the era of Father Knows Best, though we can see it making something of a comeback, a la Clover and Pippa. Cricket has new potential especially since it has recently been chosen by Busy Philipps. Still, it's one of the quirkier girl names starting with C.
    • Culver
      • Origin:

        English variation of Columba
      • Meaning:

      • Description:

        In the currently popular solid, serious, two-syllable mold.
    • Cynthia
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "moon goddess or, woman from Kynthos"
      • Description:

        Cynthia is an attractive name -- in classical mythology an epithet for Artemis or Diana -- that was so overexposed in the middle of the twentieth century, along with its nickname Cindy, that it fell into a period of benign neglect, but now is ripe for reconsideration in its full form.
    • Cyra
      • Origin:

        Persian or Greek
      • Meaning:

        "sun or throne, or lord"
      • Description:

        Cyra is an unusual name that can be pronounced either SEER-a or SI-ra, rhyming with Keira or Tyra. This name may be a feminine variation of Cyrus but is also a Persian name that stands on its own. One noted bearer is writer Cyra McFadden.
    • Caen
      • Calypha
        • Calypho
          • Calyx
            • Camelle
              • Campe
                • Campe
                  • Campes