The Enchantresses

  1. Ferelith
    • Fionnualla
      • Florimell
        • Florisdelfa
          • Galadriel
            • Gililen
              • Glitonea
                • Gloriana
                  • Gwyllion
                    • Hannelore
                      • Origin:

                      • Meaning:

                        "grace + god is my light"
                      • Description:

                        A pretty and substantial German smoosh name, a combination of Hanne and Eleonore. Most popular in Germany from the 1930s to the 1950s. Former German Chancellors Helmut Kohl and Helmut Schmidt both had wives named Hannelore.
                    • Hecate
                      • Hilja
                        • Isidora
                          • Origin:

                            Spanish, Portuguese, and Russian variation of Isadora, Greek
                          • Meaning:

                            "gift of Isis"
                          • Description:

                            The Isidora spelling, though equally legitimate, is about 90 percent less common than Isadora.
                        • Lore
                          • Lorelei
                            • Origin:

                            • Meaning:

                              "alluring, temptress"
                            • Description:

                              The lovely Lorelei, a name from old German legend, was a beautiful Rhine River seductress whose haunting voice led sailors to hazardous rocks that would cause them to be shipwrecked. And this siren image clung to the name for ages.
                          • Luned
                            • Lunette
                              • Laudine
                                • Lile
                                  • Lliannan