Female names - L-Z

  1. Tuesday
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "Tiu's Day,"
    • Description:

      When actress Susan Ker Weld changed her name to Tuesday, she opened up a whole calendar of possibilities. This was decades before the arrival of Sunday Rose Urban.
  2. Tullia
    • Origin:

      Feminine form of Roman family name Tullius, meaning unknown
    • Description:

      The unusual and intriguing Tullia has been used since Roman times as a feminine of the illustrious family name Tullius, as in philosopher Marcus Tullius Cicero. Modern parents who like Tallulah or Lillia but want something even more unusual would do well to consider the nearly-unknown Tullia, which may also be varied to Tulia, rhyming with Julia.
  3. Umber
    • Origin:

      Color name
    • Description:

      A rich brown hue, but can be misheard as Amber, said with a pretentious accent.
  4. Una
    • Origin:

      Latin, Irish, or Old Norse
    • Meaning:

      "one; lamb; happy"
    • Description:

      In an epic poem, the personification of truth, beauty, and unity; this ancient name is popular in several European countries but less common in the US. The Oona spelling is slightly more popular but Una sleeker.
  5. Ursa
    • Origin:

      Short form of Ursula, Latin
    • Meaning:

      "little female bear"
    • Description:

      Ursa might be a good choice if you're looking for a bear name for your daughter but want to avoid the She Witch curse placed on Ursula by Disney's The Little Mermaid. Too bad, because Ursula is a classic and lovely name, but Ursa has less baggage.
  6. Ursula
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "little female bear"
    • Description:

      A saint's name with a noteworthy literary background, including uses by Shakespeare in Two Gentlemen of Verona and Much Ado About Nothing, by Ben Johnson, Walter Scott, Longfellow, D. H. Lawrence and Neil Gaiman. In real life, her two most well known representatives are writer Ursula Le Guin and actress Ursula Andress. In literature, there is also Ursula Iguaran, a key, long-lived character in Gabriel Garcia Marquez's major work, One Hundred Years of Solitude.
  7. Valentine
    • Origin:

      French variation of Valentina
    • Meaning:

      "strength, health"
    • Description:

      For a girl, we'd say Val-en-teen, though many would insist on pronouncing it like the holiday.
  8. Valeria
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "strength, health"
    • Description:

      Valeria -- the original form of the name, used by early Christians --has been experiencing significant popularity in recent years. While Valeria was nearly always on the charts, the name peaked in 2009 at #72, surpassing the longtime Franco-American version Valerie. Today Valeria and Valerie are at about equal rankings, sitting in the 150s.
  9. Vanille
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      While Vanilla might be too bland, the French version is more flavorful.
  10. Vashti
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      This Persian name with an Old Testament pedigree has a warm Sasha-like feel. The Biblical Vashti was a queen who refused her husband's orders to appear naked in front of his party guests and so was deposed in favor of Esther. For her independent spirit, Vashti has become something of a feminist icon.
  11. Vasilia
    • Origin:

      Variation of Basil, Greek
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Vasilia is likely an alternative transcription of the Greek name Vasileia, or the Serbian and Macedonian Vasilija, which if you follow their etymological roots, eventually originate from Basil, meaning "royal" or "king".
  12. Veda
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      A name with religious resonance, as the Vedas are the most sacred texts of Hinduism. Outside of that religious context, Veda has the makings of a modern popular name, with its sharp V initial, two syllables, and feminine a ending. This is evidenced by it reentry into the US Top 1000 in 2015, after fifty-five years off the list. Similar names on the rise are Vera and Vada.
  13. Venezia
    • Origin:

      Italian place-name
    • Description:

      This is the Italian way to say Venice -- Ven-ETZ-ee-a -- but you might also opt for the softer Venetia or Venice itself.
  14. Verity
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      If you love Puritan virtue names and want to move beyond Hope and Faith and Grace, this is a wonderful choice, both for its meaning and its sound. A rare find here, though occasionally heard in England. It was used in Winston Graham's Poldark novels, was Madonna's name as James Bond's fencing instructor in Die Another Day, and made a brief appearance in Harry Potter. Not to mention being a fixture on British and Australian soaps. Verity also appears in one of Agatha Christie's Miss Marple mysteries.
  15. Vesper
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "evening star"
    • Description:

      This Latin word used for evening spiritual services was introduced to baby namers by the Eva Greene character Vesper Lynd in the modern James Bond film Casino Royale in 2006, based on the Ian Fleming novel, and is just now beginning to provoke interest among namers, with its spiritual reference and soft, whispery sound.
  16. Vespera
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "evening star"
    • Description:

      Said to refer to either Jupiter or Venus, either of which would be preferable as a name.
  17. Vicenza
    • Origin:

      Italian place-name
    • Description:

      This name of an architecturally glorious Italian city makes a romantic and evocative possibility.
  18. Victoire
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Adds French flair to Victoria, though many Americans would find pronunciation a challenge.
  19. Victoria
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Victoria is the Latin word for "victory" and a feminine form of Victor. It is the name of the ancient Roman goddess of victory, the equivalent of the Greek Nike, and also a popular third century saint.
  20. Vina
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Occasionally heard in the 1920s and 30s, along with siblings Bina and Mina; Vienna would be a more modern choice.