Baby girl names

  1. Livian
    • Loraline
      • Lumi
        • Lunnaya
          • Lylyth
            • Maple
              • Origin:

                English tree name from Latin
              • Meaning:

                "maple tree; tree of the Acer genus"
              • Description:

                Maple is one of those sweet-spot word names that sounds so almost name-like that it doesn't feel outlandish or strange, despite its relative newness as a given name. Just as Juniper is adjacent to June or Pippa, Clover like Chloe or Clara and Ember like Emma or Ebba, Maple is enough like Mabel, Maisie and Mae that it blends in well and has a touch of borrowed vintage charm.
            • Marin
              • Origin:

                Latin, of the sea"
              • Description:

                Marin is a lovely county north of San Francisco, and a lovely baby name on the rise, one which sounds more refreshing than the more familiar Marina.
            • Marisol
              • Origin:

                Spanish, contracted form of Maria de la Soledad
              • Meaning:

                "Mary of Solitude"
              • Description:

                Marisol is a favorite Spanish name for girls, and an excellent candidate to cross the culture line, a la Soledad and Paz.
            • Meredith
              • Origin:

              • Meaning:

                "great ruler"
              • Description:

                Meredith is a soft, gentle-sounding name with subtle Welsh roots. Although originally a boys’ name , Meredith is used mainly for girls now.
            • Meret
              • Origin:

                German diminutive of Margarethe
              • Meaning:

              • Description:

                Meret is an interesting name found in several cultures. In Egyptian mythology, she was a goddess associated with singing, dancing and rejoicing and her meaning is 'beloved.' But the name also has significance in Hebrew, Danish and Norwegian. Close relatives include Merete and Maret.
            • Merida
              • Origin:

              • Meaning:

                "one who has achieved a high place of honor"
              • Description:

                You'll probably be hearing more of this name thanks to the newest Pixar film, featuring Princess Merida, the first Pixar princess--a feisty, athletic, independent medieval Scottish girl with wild red hair. Her name, however, is not Scottish, but a Spanish place name found in both Spain and Mexico's Yucatan peninsula.
            • Merrit
              • Origin:

                English surname
              • Meaning:

                "boundary gate"
              • Description:

                This unusual unisex surname name is pretty evenly divided between the sexes these days than it was in the late 1800s and early 1900s, when it was almost entirely male.
            • Merryn
              • Origin:

                Cornish variation of Mirin, Irish and Scottish, meaning unknown
              • Description:

                St. Merryn, the name of a Cornish town derived from Mirin, a 6th century Irish saint important in Scottish history often as Mirren, is sometimes used in modern times as a girl's name. Lovely, sleek, shimmery feel though many will assume it's invented until you enlighten them on its long history. Also spelled Meryn.
            • Meryl
              • Origin:

                Variation of Muriel via Meriel
              • Description:

                Better known than it would otherwise be thanks to Meryl (born Mary Louise) Streep.
            • Moon
              • Origin:

                Word name
              • Description:

                The original oddball celebrity baby name, via Frank Zappa's daughter Moon Unit, who claims she's always liked it.
            • Narcissa
              • Origin:

              • Meaning:

              • Description:

                This Greek flower and mythological choice doesn't make it into the pantheon of possibilities because of its association with narcissism. But narcissa is December's flower of the month, so Narcissa and Daffodil theoretically make perfect names for December babies.
            • Neri
              • Origin:

                Hebrew or Greek
              • Meaning:

                "my candle; ocean spirit"
              • Description:

                A simple but unusual name with roots in disparate cultures, Neri appears in the Bible as a male name and is still sometimes used for boys as well as girls. The appeal of Neri are its deep roots combined with its simple, upbeat, modern feel, ala Peri and Rory.
            • Nerissa
              • Origin:

              • Meaning:

                "from the sea"
              • Description:

                An offbeat possible replacement for the overused Melissa and Marisa, Nerissa was used by Shakespeare for Portia's witty confidante in The Merchant of Venice. Queen Elizabeth has a cousin named Nerissa.
            • Olive
              • Origin:

                English, from Latin, nature name
              • Meaning:

                "olive tree"
              • Description:

                Though greatly overshadowed by the trendy Olivia, Olive has a quiet, subtle appeal of its own -- and is now enjoying a remarkable comeback. Olive is one of only four girl names starting with O on the US Top 1000. Cool couple Isla Fisher and Sacha Baron Cohen chose it for their daughter, reviving the name to stylishness, and now Drew Barrymore has a little Olive too, as has country singer Jake Owen.
            • Ortensia
              • Origin:

              • Meaning:

                "of the garden"
              • Description:

                Variant of Hortensia, an unusual floral name and the name of a secondary character in Roald Dahl's Matilda.