word names i love

  1. Patriot
    • Poet
      • Promise
        • Rain
          • Origin:

            Word name
          • Description:

            Among a small shower of rain-related names, this pure version can have a cool, refreshing image.
        • Rebel
          • Origin:

            Word name
          • Meaning:

          • Description:

            Asking for trouble. Rebel Wilson is female, but this name is truly gender neutral, though hardly neutral in any other way. Rebel is undoubtedly one of the edgiest boys' names starting with the letter R.
        • Remember
          • Origin:

            Word name
          • Description:

            No one will ever forget it. But Remember as a name came over on the Mayflower, so it has deep history as well as modern potential.
        • River
          • Origin:

            Nature name
          • Description:

            River shares the tranquil feeling of all the water names, and seems to have pretty much escaped its past strong association with River Phoenix and his unfortunate fate. Actor Joaquin Phoenix named his son with actress Rooney Mara after his brother River.
        • Revolution
          • Serenity
            • Origin:

            • Meaning:

            • Description:

              Peaceful, calm, and untroubled: these are qualities parents may be hoping for, either on their parenting journey or in their child’s life. The name Serenity encapsulates these hopes, conjuring up a sense of balance, composure, and ease.
          • Sincerity
            • Origin:

              Word name
            • Meaning:

              "sincerity, truth"
            • Description:

              A Puritan-virtue type name that could possibly work for a modern baby with its rhythmic four-syllable sound and admirable meaning.
          • Sky
            • Origin:

              Nature name
            • Description:

              Sky is an ambigender nature name that was first legitimized as the character of Sky Masterson in the 1950 musical Guys and Dolls, played in the film version by Marlon Brando. It's a name we appreciate for its clear, wide-open feel, less hippyish than others like Rainbow and Starlight, and makes an appealing middle name possibility.
          • Spring
            • Origin:

              Word name
            • Description:

              Spring doesn't sound half as contemporary as Winter, which has become the cool season name.
          • Star
            • Origin:

              Word name
            • Description:

              Most parents today would prefer the softer-sell Stella. But Star has symbolic power related to Christmas, so this could make one of the perfect names for December babies.
          • Stone
            • Origin:

              Word name
            • Description:

              Though some may find such names rather harsh and severe, increasing numbers of parents are gravitating toward this kind of flinty, steely, stony single-syllable name.
          • Story
            • Origin:

              English word name
            • Meaning:

              "an account of incidents or events"
            • Description:

              An imaginative choice with an uptempo Cory/Rory/Tori sound, perfect for the child of a writer — or anyone with a good story to tell. Story has been finding some appreciation among celebs like Minnie Driver and others as a middle name. This is just one of the literary word names that have recently entered the realm of possibility, such as Fable, Sonnet and Poem.
          • Summer
            • Origin:

              Word name
            • Description:

              The temperature is definitely rising for this popular seasonal name, which began being used in the seventies, and has been heard consistently ever since.
          • Sunny
            • Origin:

              English nickname
            • Description:

              Upbeat nickname-name that can't help but make you smile. You might want to use it as a short form for a more "serious" name such as Sunniva, but Sunny is undeniably, well, sunny.
          • Secret
            • Spirit
              • Stormy