Namespiration: Names of Hamlets in Cornwall, U.K.

  1. Lavrean
    • Leburnick
      • Lelant
        • Lellizzick
          • Levalsa
            • Manhay
              • Marazan
                • Maudlin
                  • Maxworthy
                    • Meaver
                      • Melinsey
                        • Menadarva
                          • Molinnis
                            • Mornick
                              • Mulfra
                                • Nance
                                  • Nancemellin
                                    • Ninnes
                                      • Penrose
                                        • Origin:

                                          Cornish and Welsh place name and surname
                                        • Meaning:

                                          "top of the heath"
                                        • Description:

                                          Penrose – an ancient locational surname derived from several villages in Cornwall, Wales, and the Welsh border country of England – might work as a first name, although the "Rose" syllable might lead the uninitiated to assume it's a female name. As a middle name, however, it would make for a surprising and distinguished choice. A male Penrose could be called Pen/Penn, Ross or Roe for short.
                                      • Penelewey