Lovely Greek Names

  1. Ianthe
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "purple flower"
    • Description:

      Like Violet, Lavender and Lilac, Ianthe is a purple flower name. Chosen by the poet Shelley for his daughter, Ianthe has a poetic, romantic, almost ethereal quality. In the ancient myth, she was the daughter of Oceanus, supreme ruler of the sea, and also a Cretan woman so beautiful that when she died the Gods made purple flowers grow around her grave.
  2. Icarus
    • Origin:

      Greek mythology name
    • Description:

      Icarus, the mythological figure famous for flying too close to the sun, has a couple of negatives: his rash reputation, and those "icky" nicknames.
  3. Iliana
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "from Ilium or Troy"
    • Description:

      Iliana is one of the vaguely but usually undefinably international names that have a wide range of spellings and pronunciations. Ilium was the poetic name of the city of Troy, and variations of this name — especially Ileana and Ileanna — have been widely used, projecting a rather bohemian image.
  4. Iris
    • Origin:

      Flower name; Greek
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Iris has so much going for it. It's a fashionable flower name. It's a mythological name, from the Greek goddess of the rainbow. And it's a classic name, always ranking in the girls' Top 1000 but now at its highest point ever.
  5. Isadora
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "gift of Isis"
    • Description:

      Why is Isabella megapopular while Isadora goes virtually ignored? Too close a tie with tragic modern dancer Isadora Duncan (born Angela Isadora), who was done in by her long flowing scarf, perhaps, or with fusty male version Isidore. But we think Isadora is well worth reevaluating as an Isabella alternative. Quirky couple singer Bjork and artist Matthew Barney did just that and named their daughter Isadora. Isidora would be an alternative, just as proper but not quite as charming spelling--the one used as the spelling of a fourth century saint's name.
  6. Leander
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Leander is an almost unknown name with great potential as a possible alternative to the overused Alexander. In Greek legend, Leander was the powerful figure who swam across the Hellespont every night to visit his beloved Hero, a priestess of Venus.
  7. Leonidas
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Leonidas is an ancient name that has started rising again along with centuries-old names such as Augustus and Cato. The original Leonidas was the most famous of Sparta's warriors, sacrificing his life at the Battle of Thermopylae; there is also a saint Leonidas.
  8. Leora
    • Origin:

      Diminutive of Eleanor, or Hebrew and Greek
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Somewhat dated Hebrew name that appears more modern when spelled Liora.
  9. Libra
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "scales, balance"
    • Description:

      Appropriate for a girl born between late September and late October, Libra suggests both balance and freedom.
  10. Linus
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Can Linus lose its metaphorical security blanket and move from the Peanuts page onto the birth certificate? We think it has enough charm and other positive elements going for it for the answer to be yes.
  11. Lotus
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "lotus flower"
    • Description:

      Lotus is one of the most languorous of the flower names, with intriguing significance in both Buddhism and Hinduism, symbolizing purity, grace and spiritual growth — not to mention a familiar yoga position.
  12. Lydia
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "woman from Lydia"
    • Description:

      Lydia is one of the first place names, after an area of Asia Minor whose inhabitants are credited with strong musical talent great wealth. Always among the US Top 1000 girl names, Lydia is a quietly fashionable classic.
  13. Lyra
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Lyra is a name with ancient and celestial roots that's finding new popularity thanks to its starring role in Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials series, seen in the movie The Golden Compass. Simple yet unique, Lyra hits the sweet spot between too popular and too unusual.
  14. Maia
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Maia was derived from the Greek word maia, meaning "mother." In Greek legend, she was the fair-haired daughter of Atlas who mothered Zeus's favorite illegitimate son, Hermes. To the Romans, Maia was the incarnation of the earth mother and goddess of spring, after whom they named the month of May. Maya is the more common spelling.
  15. Margaret
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Margaret is derived from the French Marguerite, which in turn came from Margarita, the Latin form of the Greek Margarites. Margarites was based on the Old Persian word margārīta, meaning "pearl."
  16. Melanie
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "black, dark"
    • Description:

      Gone with the Wind inspired a generation of girls named Melanie, though it looks as though Scarlett will triumph in the end.
  17. Nerida
    • Origin:

      Greek; Aboriginial
    • Meaning:

      "sea nymph, mermaid; red waterlily"
    • Description:

      This is one of the more unusual examples of a group of Greek names connected to the sea, which makes sense for a nation of coastline and islands. The Nereids or water nymphs were the daughters of sea god Nereus.
  18. Nicholas
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "people of victory"
    • Description:

      Nicholas is derived from the Greek Nikolaos, a name that evolved from the components nikē, meaning "victory", and laos, "people." It shares origins with Nike, the name of the Greek goddess of victory. Nicholas is also a New Testament name that is well-used in literature, such as in Dickens's Nicholas Nickleby.
  19. Oceana
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      If you're a lover of the beach and sea, and want a name that relates to the largest body of water, there are several variations you could consider.
  20. Odysseus
    • Origin:

      Greek mythology name
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      The name of the brave, resourceful hero of Homer's epic saga has almost always been considered too weighty for a child to bear, but at this point, some brave, resourceful parents out there might be willing to take it on.