Game of Names - Girls

  1. Mela
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "religious service"
    • Description:

      Unlike Pamela and Melanie, Mela feels fresh and unusual.
  2. Melessa
    • Melisandre
      • Origin:

        French variation of Millicent
      • Description:

        The romantic fairy tale-like name has come to modern attention via the beautiful but terrifying sorceress in Game of Thrones. The character may look as lovely as her name sounds, but it's hard to imagine a parent familiar with the book wanting to use the name for their child. Two alternate directions: Millicent or Melisande.
    • Melony
      • Meredyth
        • Mirri
          • Origin:

            Australian Aboriginal
          • Meaning:

            "the sun"
          • Description:

            This cute as a button name stems from the Goonayandi word for the sun and can be used as a unisex name.
        • Mya
          • Origin:

            Variation of Maya, Greek mythology and Central American Indian name
          • Description:

            This distinctive spelling was popularized by the R&B singer Mya (Harrison) and has inspired many baby namers to adopt Mya for themselves.
        • Myranda
          • Myrcella
            • Origin:

              Variant of Marcella
            • Description:

              One of the many faux-Medieval names invented by George R.R. Martin for his A Song of Ice and Fire series of books, the source of HBO's Game of Thrones. Princess Myrcella Baratheon is the daughter of Cersei Lannister and (secretly) her brother Jaime. Their younger brother Tyrion sends her to Dorne to be married to the Dornish prince Trystane Martell to seal an alliance between the two houses.
          • Myrtle
            • Origin:

              Greek botanical name
            • Description:

              Long in our category of so-far-out-it-will-always-be-out category, once seen as a gum-cracking 1940's telephone operator, we think it's time to reassess Myrtle, and look at is as a nature name, a plant with pink or white aromatic berries. Ruled by Venus, myrtle is a plant associated with love, peace, fertility and youth.
          • Maege
            • Megga
              • Melara
                • Mellario
                  • Minisa
                    • Missandei
                      • Nerys
                        • Origin:

                        • Meaning:

                        • Description:

                          American parents are just becoming aware of Welsh names like this one, similar to Carys, which was chosen by Welsh-born Catherine Zeta-Jones.
                      • Naerys
                        • Nymeria
                          • Obara