
  1. Holden
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "hollow valley"
    • Description:

      Holden is a classic case of a name that jumped out of a book and onto birth certificates--though it took quite a while. Parents who loved J. D. Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye are flocking to the name of its hero, Holden Caulfield -- not coincidentally in tune with the Hudson-Hayden-Colton field of names. (Trivia note: Salinger supposedly came up with the name while looking at a movie poster promoting a film starring William Holden and Joan Caulfield, though other sources say he was named after Salinger's friend Holden Bowler.) Another impetus was provided by a soap opera character introduced in 1985.
  2. Hugo
    • Origin:

      Latinized form of Hugh
    • Meaning:

      "mind, intellect"
    • Description:

      Hugo, the Latin form of Hugh, has more heft and energy than the original -- and of course we love names that end (or begin, for that matter) with an o. This one is especially appealing because it's backed up by lots of solid history and European style.
  3. Huntington
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "hunter's settlement"
    • Description:

      If Hunter just isn't full enough for you, place name Huntington might be a better option.
  4. Isaac
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Isaac has shaved off his biblical beard and leaped into the upper echelon of popular boys' names, outrunning cousin Isaiah. A favorite of the Puritans, Isaac has never dipped below Number 400 on the US list of top boy names.
  5. Ivan
    • Origin:

      Russian variation of John
    • Meaning:

      "God is gracious"
    • Description:

      Though some might find it a bit heavy-booted, Ivan is one of the few Russian boys' names to become fully accepted into the American naming pool.
    • Jonah
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

      • Description:

        Jonah, the name of the Old Testament prophet who was swallowed by the whale, only to emerge unharmed three days later, is increasingly appreciated by parents looking for a biblical name less common than Jacob or Joshua, yet not too obscure. Plus, Jonah comes with a ready-made nursery-decorating motif.
    • Josiah
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "God supports, heals"
      • Description:

        Josiah—a biblical name with lots of quaint, old-fashioned charm—makes a much fresher sounding alternative to either Joseph or Joshua, combining the best of both. Josiah is among the several Biblical boys' names that have been on the rise this decade.
    • Killian
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "war strife or church"
      • Description:

        Killian – aka Cillian – is a spirited yet resonant Gaelic name that was borne by several Irish saints and could make a distinctive replacement for the dated Kelly. Kylian is another spelling that's gaining traction, thanks to French soccer star Kylian Mbappé. Possible downsides: an unsavory first syllable and a connection to the trendy brew.
    • Leander
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

      • Description:

        Leander was once an almost unknown name, however, with the popularity of Leo and the rise of Leandro, it now feels like a perfectly accessible alternative to Leon or Alexander. In Greek legend, Leander was the powerful figure who swam across the Hellespont every night to visit his beloved Hero, a priestess of Venus.
    • Lewis
      • Origin:

        English variation of Louis
      • Meaning:

        "renowned warrior"
      • Description:

        Lewis is the best spelling to choose if you want this pronounced with the S. It was a Top 100 name in the US from 1880 to 1930, reaching Number 30 in 1880 and while it has declined in use, it has remained in the Top 1000 since stats began.
    • Liam
      • Origin:

        Irish short form of William
      • Meaning:

        "resolute protection"
      • Description:

        Liam is the top boys' name in the US, holding the Number 1 spot for the past seven years and also ranking as one of the most popular boys' names around the western world.
    • Liev
      • Origin:

        Yiddish variation of Lev
      • Meaning:

      • Description:

        Liev Schreiber's birth name is Isaac Liev, Liev after his mother's favorite Russia author, Leo Tolstoy. Though Liev is increasing in popularity in the secular world thanks to the actor, it originated as a Yiddish diminutive.
    • Lochlann
      • Lowell
        • Origin:

        • Meaning:

          "young wolf"
        • Description:

          Lowell is an upstanding and somewhat conservative name that calls to mind the genteel patrician families of nineteenth century New England, such as the one poet Robert Lowell was born into. Two other Lowell-surnamed poets are Amy and James Russell.
      • Lucian
        • Origin:

        • Meaning:

        • Description:

          Lucian is a sleeker, more sophisticated version of Lucius that is climbing in tandem with other Lu-starting names.
      • Lysander
        • Origin:

        • Meaning:

        • Description:

          Lysander is a distinctive Greek name that could be thought of as a more creative cousin of Alexander. In ancient history, Lysander was the name of an esteemed Spartan naval commander and his literary cred comes from one of the two star-struck young men in Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream, as well as one of the twin sons (the other being Lorcan) of Luna Lovegood, whom we learn about in the Harry Potter epilogue.
      • Malcolm
        • Origin:

        • Meaning:

          "devotee of St. Colomba"
        • Description:

          Malcolm is a warm and welcoming Scottish appellation (originally Mael-Colium) that fits into that golden circle of names that are distinctive but not at all odd. A royal name in Scotland, Malcolm is also a hero name for many via radical civil rights activist Malcolm X.
      • Matti
        • Origin:

          Finnish variation of Matthew, Hebrew
        • Meaning:

          "gift of God"
        • Description:

          We like Matti in theory, but in practice it’s likely to get confused for the girlish Maddie.
      • Maxen
        • Origin:

          Welsh, from Latin Maximus
        • Description:

          Also spelled Macsen, this ancient name manages to sound modern and cool. An heroic namesake was Maxen Wledig, a fourth century Spanish-born general who led the Roman army out of Britain, and as Emperor was the most powerful occupant of the throne of the Caesars who had ever ruled Europe from the City of the Seven Hills.