Francophile Naming Guide –– Biblical Names for Boys and Girls

  1. Mézahab
    • Naam
      • Naama
        • Naara
          • Nahum
            • Origin:

            • Meaning:

            • Description:

              An underused Biblical name borne by a New Testament prophet, Nahum feels like a good option for parents looking for a rare but traditional name that fits in with current trends.
          • Naomi
            • Origin:

            • Meaning:

            • Description:

              Naomi was once a primarily Jewish name from the Old Testament that referenced the mother-in-law of Ruth. Because of this, it is a symbolic name given to girls on Shavuot when the story of Ruth is read in the synagogue.
          • Nephtali
            • Nicolas
              • Origin:

                Spelling variation of Nicholas
              • Meaning:

                "people of victory"
              • Description:

                Nicolas is the French and Spanish form, or streamlined spelling, of Nicholas, popularized by actor Nicolas Cage. Nicolas has been consistently on the charts since Social Security began releasing data, but the name did not truly take off until around the 70s. Today Nicolas is popular among Spanish and Portuguese-speaking parents, ranking in the Top 30 in Spain, Brazil, and Chile.
            • Nimrod
              • Origin:

              • Meaning:

                "we shall rise up, we shall rebel"
              • Description:

                Our kids laughed when they saw this name. Enough said.
            • Noa
              • Origin:

              • Meaning:

              • Description:

                This Old Testament female name has been one of the most popular girls’ names in Israel over the last decade. Also highly popular in Spain, Portugal and the Netherlands, and a new entrant to the US Top 1000, it may be misunderstood here as an attempt to streamline and feminize the more familiar Noah – although it's a separate name with a separate derivation.
            • Nachor
              • Nachschon
                • Nebucadnetsar
                  • Nekoda
                    • Nicanor
                      • Ninive
                        • Nun
                          • Néhémie
                            • Nérée
                              • Obed
                                • Origin:

                                • Meaning:

                                  "servant of God"
                                • Description:

                                  This quirky Old Testament name has potential, as parents are digging deeper into the Bible to find names for their children. It has also been used as a nickname for Obediah.