Francophile Naming Guide –– Biblical Names for Boys and Girls

  1. Asaph
    • Aschbel
      • Aschkenaz
        • Aschpenaz
          • Asnath
            • Aspatha
              • Assur
                • Assuérus
                  • Asyncrite
                    • Athaja
                      • Ather
                        • Azareel
                          • Azaria
                            • Azgad
                              • Azmaveth
                                • Azrikam
                                  • Barnabas
                                    • Origin:

                                    • Meaning:

                                      "son of consolation"
                                    • Description:

                                      Barnabas, whose birth name was Joseph, was one of the earliest Christian disciples in Jerusalem, who undertook missionary journeys with Paul the Apostle, His name is a bit Old World compared to the update Barnaby, but could gain some attention as boys' names ending in 's' are enjoying a comeback.
                                  • Barthélemy
                                    • Boaz
                                      • Origin:

                                      • Meaning:

                                      • Description:

                                        Now that such Old Testament patriarchs as Elijah and Moses fill the playground, Boaz seems downright baby-friendly, having more pizzazz than many of the others, perhaps as a successor to Noah.
                                    • Baana