Francophile Naming Guide -- Curiousities of Medieval France for Girls

  1. Manille
    • Marcatrude
      • Marcowefa
        • Mathe
          • Méroflède
            • Mérovée
              • Nantilde
                • Oda
                  • Origin:

                    Scandinavian, short form of Odelia
                  • Description:

                    Ada, yes. Ida, maybe. But Oda, a Scandinavian version of Odelia, not really. To English speakers, it sounds too much like "odor".
                • Orengarde
                  • Ozanne
                    • Pernell
                      • Peronelle
                        • Philiberte
                          • Philipotte
                            • Ponse
                              • Poppa
                                • Rane
                                  • Richilde
                                    • Roselle
                                      • Origin:

                                        Combination of Rose and Elle
                                      • Description:

                                        Most contemporary parents would probably opt for the more streamlined Elle.
                                    • Rosine
                                      • Origin:

                                        Diminutive of Rose, Latin
                                      • Meaning:

                                        "rose, a flower"
                                      • Description:

                                        Rosine can be thought of as a short form of the classic flower name Rose. It's similar to the Irish Róisín, though that is pronounced roh-sheen.