Female Historic Names

  1. Ealfthryth
    • Ealgyth
      • Ealhswith
        • Edgiva
          • Eldegarde
            • Elizabetha
              • Elizaetha
                • Emliane
                  • Engeltrude
                    • Engletron
                      • Erembourg
                        • Ermendgarde
                          • Ermentrude
                            • Ermesende
                              • Ermesinde
                                • Euphrosyne
                                  • Florence
                                    • Origin:

                                    • Meaning:

                                      "flourishing, prosperous"
                                    • Description:

                                      Florence is back, returning to the US Top 1000 girl names in 2017 after a nearly 40 year absence. Other English-speaking countries have been quicker to welcome Florence back into fashion.
                                  • Frances
                                    • Origin:

                                      English from Latin
                                    • Meaning:

                                      "from France; free man"
                                    • Description:

                                      Frances, a soft and gentle classic last popular a hundred years ago, is trending again. The cool nickname Frankie is one reason for the revival of Frances, adding lightness and sass to a serious name. Frances is the feminine form of Francis, the English variation of the Latin name Franciscus. Franciscus, meaning "Frenchman," was taken from the Germanic tribe the Franks, which got its name from the francisca, the axe they used in battle. Until the seventeenth century, the spellings Frances and Francis were used interchangeably for both sexes.
                                  • Frezwith
                                    • Georgianna