Bird Names

  1. Drongo
    • Duck
      • Dunlin
        • Dunnock
          • Eagle
            • Origin:

              Nature name
            • Meaning:

              "eagle, a bird"
            • Description:

              Solemn but soaring name with patriotic symbolism.
          • Egret
            • Eider
              • Elaenia
                • Erne
                  • Euphonia
                    • Falcon
                      • Origin:

                        Bird name
                      • Description:

                        There is a whole new species of bird names open to the baby namer, from the light and feminine Lark to the sleek and powerful Falcon.
                    • Finch
                      • Origin:

                        English word and nature name
                      • Meaning:

                        "to swindle"
                      • Description:

                        It feels like Finch should be a modern bird name that's as popular as Wren or Lark, but that's not the case - so it's one to consider if you're looking for a nature name that's familiar but rare.
                    • Falco
                      • Fauvette
                        • Flamingo
                          • Fulvetta
                            • Gannet
                              • Origin:

                              • Meaning:

                              • Description:

                                A bird name that could be thought of as an animated spin on Garrett.
                            • Gull
                              • Origin:

                              • Meaning:

                                "long-winged swimming birds"
                              • Description:

                                Suggests the salty, windswept air of the seashore.
                            • Garganey
                              • Goldcrest