Nicknames for Margaret
- Pegeen
Irish, diminutive of Mairead, Irish form of MargaretDescription:
Infrequently used relic of the Maureen-Colleen-Kathleen era, though it does seem to have a bit more energy than the others.
- Peggie
- Peggy
Diminutive of Margaret, GreekMeaning:
Just when we had written off Peggy as the eternal perky, pug-nosed prom-queen she projected from the 1920s into the fifties, along came Mad Men, with intriguing mid-century characters with names like Joan and Betty--and Peggy, causing a bit of a re-think. MM's proto-feminist Peggy Olson was followed by Amy Adams's strong Oscar-nominated Peggy Dodd character in The Master.
- Peig
- Peigi
- Penina
A jewel-encrusted choice, far more unusual than Pearl.
- Perle
- Pessa
Old-fashioned enough to the American ear that literally no baby girls received the name in the US in the most recent year counted. Though might Pessa provide a more unique spin on Tessa? It certainly has a lovely meaning, one shared with Margaret.
- Paaie
- Pegan
- Pegws
- Poggy
- Reeta
- Rita
Spanish, HindiMeaning:
"pearl; truth, order"Description:
One of the glamour girl names of the Rita Hayworth 1940s, Rita was once a Top 50 name and stayed on the SSA list until 2002.
- Reetta