Boys' Names Ending in -a Part 1

  1. Atiya
    • Aviya
      • Balta
        • Barbossa
          • Origin:

            Portuguese surname
          • Meaning:

            "a place with many palm trees"
          • Description:

            Barbossa (also spelled Barbosa) is derived from the Barbosa palm. It is also a common place name, with towns called Barbossa spread across Latin America. Film buffs might also recall that Barbossa is the name of the captain of the Black Pearl in the movie "Pirates of the Caribbean".
        • Barna
          • Barnaba
            • Battista
              • Benja
                • Bonanza
                  • Origin:

                    Word name
                  • Description:

                    Wildly optimistic -- and unrealistic -- choice.
                • Bonaventura
                  • BOŽA
                    • Burma
                      • Origin:

                      • Description:

                        One place-name that's far off the beaten track, and better for girls, despite the connection with the dated Irma.
                    • Bagadata
                      • Baha
                        • Bala
                          • Baladeva
                            • Baptista
                              • Barra
                                • Batista
                                  • Bautista