Medieval Occupations and Titles

  1. Gleeman
    • Goartherd
      • Goldsmith
        • Gravedigger
          • Grocer
            • Harper
              • Origin:

              • Meaning:

                "harp player"
              • Description:

                You might think of Harper as the hottest name of the last decade, jumping from obscurity to the Top 10, where it remained until last year.
            • Hayward
              • Origin:

                English occupational name
              • Meaning:

                "guardian of the hedged enclosure"
              • Description:

                Possible Hayden alternative.
            • Hunter
              • Origin:

              • Meaning:

                "one who hunts"
              • Description:

                Hunter has been dropping a bit for the past few years but is still one of the leaders of a distinctive band of boys' names that combines macho imagery (Hunter, Austin, Harley) with a softened masculinity. Hunter was for years attached to gonzo journalist Hunter S. Thompson; Josh Holloway used it for his son.
            • Haberdasher
              • Hatter
                • Hawker
                  • Herald
                    • Hermit
                      • Hetheleder
                        • Hobbler
                          • Huntsman
                            • Husbandman
                              • Innkeeper
                                • Ironmonger
                                  • Jailer