Francophile Naming Guide -- Breton Names for Boys

  1. Nedeleg
    • Nevenoe
      • Nevenou
        • Neventer
          • Nicolaz
            • Nuz
              • Olier
                • Per
                  • Origin:

                    Scandinavian variation of Peter
                  • Description:

                    So simple, yet so unique: a prime candidate for export. Pronunciation is like the English pair or pear.
                • Peran
                  • Pol
                    • Origin:

                      Breton and Catalan form of Paul
                    • Meaning:

                    • Description:

                      Pol, pronounced as "pole," though a popular Breton name, would be an unusual form of a simple classic elsewhere. The Breton Saint Pol Aurelian was known as a slayer of dragons and a founder of monasteries.
                  • Paol
                    • Pask
                      • Paskal
                        • Paskou
                          • Paskweten
                            • Paskwiten
                              • Pereg
                                • Perig
                                  • Petrok
                                    • Prijañ