Jazzy Nicknames
- Frog
- Gus
Diminutive of Augustus, Angus, Gustave, Augustin, Augusten, Augustine, AugustDescription:
Gus is a homey grandpa nickname name that can work as a short form for any of the above or stand on its own as a cutting-edge replacement for Max and Jake--though it was off the Top 1000 from 1978 until 2016, when it squeaked in at Number 999.
- Hoagy
- Junior
The line should end with Junior Soprano. While most would expect this to be a nickname rather than an actual given name, Junior has always ranked in the US Top 1000, hitting its peak in 1925 at Number 116.
- King
King is a name that sends a mixed message. While some might think of it as more fitting for a canine, others see it as a strong name with offbeat style and a full court of rich associations, from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. to Elvis.
King Vidor was an important early Hollywood director; King Camp Gillette invented the safety razor.
If it's king names you're after that aren't King itself, see our list of Names with Royal Meanings or other lists and blogs on royal names.
- Kid
- Lil
Diminutive of Lillian and Lily, flower nameMeaning:
Spunky old vaudeville era nickname name suddenly sounds new again.
- Lucky
English word nameMeaning:
"having good fortune"Description:
Recently chosen by singer Elle King for her son. Lucky is a name that could see a considerable rise in the near future, as word names continue to heat up.
- Mezz
- Monk
- Mutt
- Nappy
- Nat
English, diminutive of Nathan or NathanielDescription:
Just the kind of old-fashioned nickname coming back into style.
- Papa
- Red
Color nameDescription:
Fiery but slight middle name choice; much more apt to be a redhead's nickname.
- Ruby
"behold, a son"Description:
Ruby could be a short form of the Biblical name Reuben and especially its streamlined form, Ruben. As a gemstone name, it's currently enjoying a fresh boom of popularity for girls – nearing the US Top 50 for the first time in almost a century.
- Sonny
Sonny is one of the generic boy nickname names making a surprise reappearance, and it was recently used by actor Jason Lee. Another surprise: It's been on the US Top 1000 list every year since 1927, and as of 2023, it entered the Top 400 for the first time. Laidback Sonny is also popular in the UK, New Zealand and Australia.
- Spike
English word nameMeaning:
"a very large nail"Description:
Spike is part mid-century nickname-name, ala Buster or Buck, and part word name, with an all-over cool creative dude feel thanks to directors Spike Lee and Spike Jonze. Mike Myers named his son Spike. That's right: Spike and Mike. Spike qualifies as one of the distinctly American names.
- Sharkey
- Slide