Japanese Girl Names

  1. Rinna
    • Rio
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "place of the cherry blossoms"
      • Description:

        Rio is one of Japan's most popular girls names, constantly sitting in that country's Top 10. Of course, Rio may also stem from the Portuguese and Spanish word for river, and the Brazilian city Rio de Janeiro. A truly international name for a cosmopolitan baby!
    • Risa
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

    • Rumi
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "beauty, flow, lapis lazuli"
      • Description:

        Rumi is a Japanese girls' name that sounds like a couple of other choices more familiar in the West -- Rumer and Remi -- that is achieving notice because of its choice by two celebrities, including Beyonce and Jay-Z.
    • Ruri
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "lapis lazuli"
      • Description:

        Naming babies after precious gems as a protection against evil spirits is an ancient Japanese tradition.
    • Ruriko
      • Rami
        • Rara
          • Rei
            • Reia
              • Rein
                • Reira
                  • Reno
                    • Renoa
                      • Rie
                        • Rieko
                          • Rihona
                            • Riisa
                              • Riko
                                • Rinako