Clunky and Eccentric Feminizations

  1. Lewina
    • Ludwiga
      • Luitpoldina
        • Marka
          • Maximiliana
            • Origin:

              Female variation of Maximilian
            • Description:

              A feminization with a long (if sparse) history of use among European aristocracy. One young member of the illustrious Arco family of Central Europe is named Maximiliana.
          • Manfreda
            • Mathaea
              • Maximiliane
                • Melchiora
                  • Nigella
                    • Origin:

                      Feminine variation of Nigel; botanical name from Latin
                    • Meaning:

                    • Description:

                      A name that sounded unthinkably priggish until it became attached to Domestic Goddess British TV chef Nigella Lawson (named for her father), who gave it a big dollop of glamour.
                  • Nectaria
                    • Nelsonia
                      • Nepomucena
                        • Norberta
                          • Octavia
                            • Origin:

                            • Meaning:

                            • Description:

                              Octavia began as the Latin, then Victorian name for an eighth child. While there aren't many eighth children anymore, this ancient Roman name has real possibilities as a substitute for the overused Olivia; recommended for its combination of classical and musical overtones. It was chosen for his daughter by Kevin Sorbo.
                          • Oswalda
                            • Oswaldina
                              • Oswina
                                • Otta
                                  • Ottokara