Biblical Place Names

  1. Tabor
    • Origin:

      Hebrew; Hungarian
    • Meaning:

      "a height; encampment"
    • Description:

      In the Bible, Tabor is the name of the mountain that stood on the border between northern and southern Israel. This biblical place name is similar to the Hungarian name Tibor.
  2. Tyre
    • Tarshish
      • Uz
        • Origin:

          Biblical place-name
        • Description:

          A minimalist choice, Uz is the Biblical home of Job. It's also the name of a character in the Bible, the father of Aram and the grandson of Shem, as is Uzziah. Uz is one of those names that could go either way depending on the personality of your child: super-cool or scuzzy. Proceed with caution.
      • Ugarit
        • Umma
          • Ur
            • Urartu
              • Urkish
                • Uruk
                  • Zair
                    • Origin:

                      Biblical place-name
                    • Description:

                      In the Bible, Joram and "all his chariots" pass over Zair.
                  • Zalmon
                    • Zion
                      • Origin:

                      • Meaning:

                        "highest point"
                      • Description:

                        Zion has taken off in recent years, especially after singer Lauryn Hill used it for her son in 1997 and incorporated the name into a hit song. It combines a user-friendly Ryan-Brian sound with the gravitas of religious significance. The Hebrew pronunciation is 'tzeeyon'.
                    • Zaanan
                      • Zalmonah
                        • Zanoah
                          • Zareah
                            • Zartanah
                              • Zelah
                                • Zemairam