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Ellaria Origin and Meaning
The name Ellaria is a girl's name meaning "literary name".
Ellaria Sand is a slightly obscure character in HBO's Game of Thrones, part of the notoriously half-baked Dorne plot that bedeviled later seasons of the show. She was paramour to Oberyn Martell, mother to several of the so-called "Sand Snakes" and murderer of Myrcella Baratheon. Not exactly a primo namesake, despite a fine performance from Indira Varma.
And yet! This is actually a Game of Thrones name we think may have legs. In part because Ellaria Sand isn't a very well-known character. And her name takes the trendy Ellery and adds the feminine "-ia" for a touch of romance. Place name Illyria is another good option in the same vein.