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Names That Mean Divine

  1. Themis
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "law of nature, divine law"
    • Description:

      Themis was the Titan -- one of the Elder Gods (or in this case Goddesses) -- of Justice and Order, usually depicted blindfolded and holding the scales of justice. Themis was the mother of the Fates and the seasons. While her name has fallen from mortal use, Themis might rise again along with such rediscovered goddess names as Aurora and Juno.
  2. Dianne
    • Origin:

      Spelling variation of Diane
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Dianne, one of the many offshoots and variations of the classic Diana, had its moment in the sun in the 1940s--it was a Top 100 name from 1943 to 1952. It now would make a very unlikely choice.
  3. Devana
    • Origin:

      Polish, Czech, Serbian, Croatian
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      A deity worshipped across Eastern European countries, goddess of the moon, hunting, and wilderness. Folklore describes Devana as a virgin goddess whose virginity is renewed every spring, and she is often depicted riding on a mare.
  4. Anselmo
    • Origin:

      Italian from German
    • Meaning:

      "with divine protection"
    • Description:

      Lighter Latin version of Anselm.
  5. Bozena
    • Origin:

      Slavic, Polish
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Eastern European girl name related to the Slavic word Bóg, meaning "God."
  6. Theophania
    • Origin:

    • Description:

      This ancient name, belonging to a Byzantine empress, may be difficult to wear. The English variation Tiffany may be more wearable.
  7. Osborn
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "divine bear; divine warrior"
    • Description:

      A surname style choice that could get you nicknames Bear and Ozzy, which is pretty cool. It comes from the Old English variant of the Old Norse Ásbjǫrn, which was introduced to England after the Norman conquest and used occasionally as a given name ever since. Victorian author Elizabeth Gaskell used the spelling variation Osborne in her final novel, Wives and Daughters.
  8. Osgood
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "divine creator"
    • Description:

      This name seems to foresee a future CFO. Not a bad thing. Osgood Perkins is the name of both the father and son of actor Anthony. Oz is the enlivening nickname.
  9. Providence
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "divine protection or care"
    • Description:

      A Puritanical virtue name and also a place name, belonging to the state capital of Rhode Island and several other towns and cities in the US.
  10. Deanne
    • Origin:

      Variation of Diana
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Deanne was one of many variations popular in the middle of the 20th century, during the heyday of Diane and sisters and even cousins. Now, at least one generation away from a comeback.
  11. Deodar
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "divine wood"
    • Description:

      Name of the "god tree," a tall cedar native to India that also grows in California and England. Not a prime baby name candidate.
  12. Diána
    • Origin:

      Hungarian variation of Diana, Latin
    • Meaning:

  13. Ozzie
    • Origin:

      English, German
    • Meaning:

      "divine; deer"
    • Description:

      This zippy diminutive name has been rising up the charts in recent years as a cool unisex choice. The Ozzy spelling is currently more popular all round, however for girls the Ozzie spelling isn't too far behind. It was given to around 50 American girls in 2023, while Ozzy was chosen for 70.
  14. Ožbej
    • Origin:

      Slovene variation of Oswald, English
    • Meaning:

      "divine power"
    • Description:

      Ožbej broke into the Slovenian charts in 2004 but has been given to, at most, 52 boys in a single year (2012).
  15. Divona
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      A Celtic goddess of springs and rivers.
  16. Gundruna
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "divine wisdom"
    • Description:

      Baby-naming rule #487: it's probably best to avoid names whose only possible nickname is Gun.
  17. Theonoe
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "divine wisdom"
    • Description:

      Theonoe is a Greek name used on various mythological figures — the most famous being Theonoe of Egypt, a princess from Eurypides’ play Helen. Theonoe comes with a few adorable nickname options, including Theo, Thea, and Noa.
  18. Devak
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      In Marathi culture a devak is a totem or 'family guardian' that is symbolised by a material thing (like a tree or a mountain). Men and women with the same devak cannot marry.
  19. Mansur
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "divine aid"
    • Description:

      Prevalent Arabic name that suggests a man who is sure of himself.
  20. Díana
    • Origin:

      Icelandic variation of Diana, Latin
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      A Top 50 choice in Iceland, where this is the common spelling of Diana.