Three Syllable Girl Names
- Patryka
- Emaleen
- Meliyah
- Paulana
Feminine variation of Paul, LatinMeaning:
Paulana is an unusual feminine form of Paul or may be considered a combination name, smooshing Paula and Ana. It sounds international without truly being attached to any particular culture. As Paul and Paula's fashion stars have faded, there's little to compel a parent to choose Paulana over the more established Pauline, for instance, if honoring an ancestral Paul.
- Lavenda
- Ednita
- Nicolett
- Tonechka
- Casaundri
- Jaziyah
- Sandrianna
- Lisabeth
- Yameli
- Timaula
- Carilyn
- Queena
- Charolot
- Brittanee
- Christalene
- Junina