Scorpio Names

  1. November
    • Origin:

      English word name
    • Meaning:

      "month name"
    • Description:

      The menu of usable month names seems to expand every, well, month, with such choices as November, October, and January joining more established names like April, May, June and August. Logical November nicknames include Nova, Novi, or Ember, making this a natural (if adventurous) choice for a baby girl. November is also, obviously, one of the perfect names for November babies.
  2. Charon
    • Origin:

      Greek Mythology
    • Meaning:

      "of keen gaze"
    • Description:

      The name of the ferrymen of dead souls to the Greek underworld and the name of Pluto's desolate moon, Charon makes an interesting, if somewhat macabre, choice for a baby. There are two pronunciations of this name, depending on whether you're referring to the ferryman or the moon. While the Greek version is pronounced with a hard "k" sound, the astronomer who named the moon did not know about the Greek myth - he named the moon after his wife Charlene, so many astronomers pronounce it with a "sh" sound.
  3. Tavia
    • Origin:

      Spanish short form of Octavia
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Cute, distinctive diminutive for this regal-sounding name.
  4. Evening
    • Origin:

      Day name
    • Description:

      Though this feels like a new invention, people have used day names such as Morning and Afternoon for centuries -- and so why not Evening too? It's a lovely word with an evocative meaning and makes a perfect addition to this newly stylish group.
  5. Krishna
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "dark, black"
    • Description:

      Krishna is the name of the supreme Hindu god that is still considered secular enough for mortal children and is often found in Hindu families, for both boys and girls.
  6. Mardi
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Mardi is a foreign word name that sounds like a homegrown nickname. For what? We're not sure, but it's kinda cute, and preferable to Tuesday.
  7. Scorpio
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Of all the astrological names —think Leo, Aries, Gemini— Scorpio probably has the most dramatically potent presence, which could prove something of a burden to a young boy.
  8. Ottavia
    • Origin:

      Italian, variation of Latin Octavia
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Softer and more romantic than Octavia, this is a name once used when it wasn't uncommon for families to have eight children. A possible substitute for the epidemically popular Olivia.
  9. Shakti
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Shakti is the female equivalent of the god Shiva in Hinduism. A sacred name sometimes used in a secular way.
  10. Crisanta
    • Origin:

      Spanish from Greek
    • Meaning:

      "golden flower, chrysanthemum"
    • Description:

      Crisanta, while not related to Christine, would make a pretty and highly unusual alternative to that tried-and-true name. Because of its relationship to the chrysanthemum, the flower of the month of November, it's one of the recommended names for Scorpio babies as well as names for November babies. Crisanta might also give you a fresh route to nicknames like Cris, Crissy, or Cristie.
  11. Phuong
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "direction or phoenix"
    • Description:

      The two meanings of this name are spelled slightly differently in Vietnamese: Phường means "way, direction", and Phượng means "phoenix". Phoenix in this case refers to the mythological creature known as the Chinese phoenix or the Fenghuang.
  12. Quetzalcoatl
    • Origin:

      Nahuatl, Native American
    • Meaning:

      "feathered snake"
    • Description:

      The creator god of the sky, wind, and knowledge in Aztec mythology, also associated with the morning star. In Mesoamerican myth Quetzalcoatl is also a mythical hero from whom almost all Mesoamerican peoples claim descent.
  13. Kwabena
    • Origin:

      Ghanaian, Akan, Twi
    • Meaning:

      "Born on a Tuesday"
    • Description:

      The Akan people of Ghana and the Ivory Coast frequently name their children after the day of the week they were born and the order in which they were born. Most Ghanaians have a name using this system (think Kofi Annan, whose name means born on a Friday).
  14. Stanton
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "stony town"
    • Description:

      Seems to stand at attention and salute.
  15. Gough
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Most closely associated with Australia's iconic progressive Prime Minister, Gough Whitlam, this name is a great choice for politicos or parents wanting to honor their Welsh heritage in naming a red-haried son.
  16. Abena
    • Origin:

      Akan, Fante, Ghanaian
    • Meaning:

      "born on Tuesday"
    • Description:

      This name from the Akan language of Ghana in West Africa is traditionally given to baby girls born on a Tuesday. The male version is Kwabena or Kobena.
  17. Shyam
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "dark, black, blue"
    • Description:

      Shyam is one of the alternate names of Hindu God Krishna.
  18. Selket
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "(she who) tightens the throat, (she who) causes the throat to breathe"
    • Description:

      Also spelled Selqet, Serket and Serqet, Selket was the Ancient Egyptian goddess of the scorpions and of magic. She was a helpful goddess and protected souls on their journey to the afterlife. She is also associated with childbirth (potentially making her a great choice for the daughter of a midwife or obstetrician). Her connection to scorpions is a symbol of her power and makes her a good namesake for a child born under the zodiac sign of Scorpio.
  19. Fideline
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      A kind of French virtue name, an affectionate form of Fidele.
  20. Boa
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:
