Baby 3 sibling to Bryten and Lorelei

  1. Tobias
    • Origin:

      Greek from Hebrew
    • Meaning:

      "God is good"
    • Description:

      Tobias is one of a number of s-ending boys' names that are riding a wave of popularity. With its Old Testament-Dickensian feel, it's a name with a distinguished pedigree.
  2. Tripp
    • Origin:

      Word name
    • Description:

      The extra p makes Tripp more of a name and less of a Trip. Usually a nickname of a boy who's a third, but Tripp is sure to get more attention in its own right now as the name of Sarah Palin's daughter Bristol and Levi Johnston's son.
  3. Thielen
    • Townsend
      • Wells
        • Origin:

          Surname from place name
        • Meaning:

        • Description:

          Wells is a newly-famous baby name thanks to pregnancy guru Rosie Pope, who uses it as the short form of the buttoned-up Wellington, name of her youngest child.
      • Will
        • Origin:

          Diminutive of William
        • Meaning:

          "resolute protector"
        • Description:

          Will has definitely replaced Bill, not only as a nickname for William but as a stand-alone name as well, partly thanks to England's Prince William, also known as Wills. Currently outside the Top 1000 in the US and the UK, it wouldn't feel totally out of style.
      • Zachariah
        • Origin:

          Hebrew, form of Zechariah
        • Meaning:

          "the Lord has remembered"
        • Description:

          This distinguished name still feels a bit ancient, but with the rise of such former graybeards as Jeremiah and Elijah, it also sounds child-friendly again, as does the Latin-Greek form Zacharias.
      • Zeke
        • Origin:

          Diminutive of Ezekiel
        • Meaning:

          "God strengthens"
        • Description:

          Zeke is a casual form of the name Ezekiel, an important prophet from the Old Testament. How well Zeke holds up depends on the boy: it could be a cooler alternative of Zack, or it could prove too close to "geek." Both Zeke and Ezekiel lag behind in popularity on the UK charts.