650+ Boy Names That End in -en

  1. Alten
    • Jamien
      • Zuben
        • Origin:

        • Meaning:

        • Description:

          Zuben el Hakrabi (literally "claws of the scorpion") is the traditional name for Gamma Librae, a star system in the constellation of Libra but previously considered part of Scorpio.
      • Gaten
        • Origin:

          Italian, English
        • Meaning:

          "of Gaeta"
        • Description:

          An Anglicized form of Gaetano, deriving from the name of a town in ancient Italy.
      • Sebastien
        • Sagen
          • Jaren
            • Neven
              • Hagen
                • Larsen
                  • Valerien
                    • Jaqen
                      • Origin:

                        Literary name
                      • Description:

                        In Game of Thrones, Jaqen H'ghar is the name used by the Faceless Man who trains Arya in the lethal ways of the House of Black and White. The character is endlessly mysterious, but Jaqen seems not to be his given name. Still, with the myriad offshots of Jackson -- Jaxon, Jaxsen, et al -- soaring in popularity, Jaqen may have some potential on this side of the screen and page.
                    • Jorgen
                      • Origin:

                        Danish variation of George
                      • Description:

                        Anglicizing it to a phonetic pronunciation might make it easier.
                    • Aycen
                      • O'brien
                        • Origin:

                        • Meaning:

                          "descendant of Brian"
                        • Description:

                          The use of O-prefixes could create the next wave of Irish-inflected names, offering an innovative way of honoring a relative with the old-fashioned moniker Brian. On Downton Abbey, the surname O'Brien was heard so often, it began to seem like a first.
                      • Jamen
                        • Brenden
                          • Origin:

                            Spelling variation of Brendan
                          • Description:

                            Go with the traditional Irish Brendan. Several professional hockey players use this spelling for their given name: Morrow, Dillon, and Kichton.
                        • Borden
                          • Origin:

                          • Meaning:

                            "den of the boar"
                          • Description:

                            A neglected surname name that could substitute for the more common Gordon, which has in the past associated with the milk company and Elsie the Cow.
                        • Tiren
                          • Reuven