650+ Boy Names That End in -en

  1. Barden
    • Origin:

      English "barley valley"
    • Meaning:

      "barley valley"
    • Description:

      Rarely heard last-name-first choice with nice gardenlike feel.
  2. Aiken
    • Mcqueen
      • Jasten
        • Wallen
          • Taven
            • Efren
              • Thijmen
                • Raylen
                  • Zarren
                    • Origin:

                      Modern invented name
                    • Description:

                      On the other hand, Zarren is an improvement on Darren.
                  • Yasen
                    • Origin:

                    • Meaning:

                      "ash tree; clear, serene"
                    • Description:

                      Yasen is a male given name in Bulgaria with two lovely meanings — ash tree, and serene.
                  • Ouen
                    • Aaren
                      • Roen
                        • Nolen
                          • Arthyen
                            • Origin:

                            • Meaning:

                            • Description:

                              Cornish form of the Welsh name Arthen, meaning "bear".
                          • Perhonen
                            • Origin:

                            • Meaning:

                            • Description:

                              This is one of the few butterfly names that is distinctly masculine, found as a surname in Finland.
                          • Luken
                            • Belden
                              • Origin:

                                English from French
                              • Meaning:

                                "pretty valley"
                              • Description:

                                Belden is a little-used surname-name that might work in this age of Belles.
                            • Tallen