Girl names that end in ie

  1. Elanie
    • Imrie
      • Affie
        • Oonie
          • Carsie
            • Description:

              A modern update to 90s favorite Carly? Or a feminine diminutive of Carson? However you view Carsie, this nickname name has potential.
          • Angelie
            • Luzie
              • Harmonie
                • Euphemie
                  • Origin:

                    French, Greek
                  • Meaning:

                    "fair speech"
                  • Description:

                    French variant of Euphemia, which feels a little lighter and fresher than the English form.
                • Phylie
                  • Ionie
                    • Silverie
                      • Envie
                        • Origin:

                          Variation of Envy, English
                        • Meaning:

                        • Description:

                          A more name-like take on Envy.
                      • Bettie
                        • Azzie
                          • Versie
                            • Dustie
                              • Origin:

                              • Meaning:

                              • Description:

                                Alternative (and cuter?) spelling of Dusty.
                            • Ethie
                              • Faerie
                                • Origin:

                                  Old French
                                • Meaning:

                                  "realm of fairies"
                                • Description:

                                  Faerie is an Old French word used to describe the world of the fae (fairies), from which the English word "fairy" is derived. Edmund Spenser reintroduced it to English speakers in his epic poem The Faerie Queene, where he wanted to use an archaic variation of "fairy."
                              • Bellamie