Girl names that end in ie

  1. Madgie
    • Acie
      • Adrie
        • Orelie
          • Antonie
            • Atalie
              • Kinzie
                • Amanie
                  • Samarie
                    • Sissie
                      • Origin:

                        Diminutive of Cecilia; pet name for "sister;" "sister"
                      • Meaning:

                      • Description:

                        Antiquated nickname for Cecilia and Cecily — these days Cece is much preferred.
                    • Rangimarie
                      • Origin:

                      • Meaning:

                      • Description:

                        Rangimarie is the Maori words for peace, and is occasionally used as a feminine name. Dr Rangimarie Pere is a prominent New Zealander with this name.
                    • Jillie
                      • Amarie
                        • Dorothie
                          • Zenobie
                            • Sydnie
                              • Melonie
                                • Stephenie
                                  • Candie
                                    • Quincie